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Introduction Sabwbas
QUOTE (S7abwbas)
I don't want to speak with him face to face so I suggest to get one in the net...
I do not understand all that you say because of the language barrier but I believe I have the gist of it. First off I wonder what is your reason for not being able to speak to someone face to face? Is it that you are ultra shy or very ashamed? Regardless to either this is what Psychologists are for, they are there to help you. If you insist on not seeing a Psychologist then what do you hope to accomplish in a Forum environment? If it is that you are looking for opinions from lay persons then state what your issue is and we can give our OPINIONS, but that is all they will be. If you are truly looking for help though you need to see a Psychologist so they can lead you in the right direction, especially one that can understand your native tongue, at least call one on the phone and see if phone sessions can be done.
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