Well, I stumbled into this site through a Google search. Honestly I was looking for some sort of forum-based RPG that was set in a fantasy setting like D&D. I believe this is what I have found here, but I haven't actually been able to get in and look around as of yet.
I have been writing for several years now and really enjoy it. Honestly most of the time I'm writing short fiction, or children's books. I think the forum based RPG's are great for keeping writing skills honed and for keeping a 'character' mentality about writing in general.
Anyway, I look forward to looking around and meeting some new people on here.
Welcome AD&D Role-Player
For Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go to AD&D Rules and read the steps.
Make sure to READ the following so you are not censored: Constructive Posting Policy
If you get lost: See All Boards | Site Map | FAQ | RPG Listing page.
Welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing you in the RPG section. Take your time to learn and read the rules so you have a easier time fitting right in. With your writing skills I am sure you will have no problem fitting right in with us.