Let me place my welcome here. I usually take Sundays and Mondays off of here so that is why I am slow at times. I think if you wish to play a monster as a character I can work with you on that. Let me know what your thinking and we can see. I know you like the oriental adventures and I have to place restrictions on that. As I get more books in the 3.5 series I will open it up more. Let me know more of what your thinking about for my campaign.
Ah. Will do. I was looking at playing a Shadar-Kai as a monster, but I don't have a monster manual, so I'm not sure what to do about that one. And as for the oriental adventures thing, I don't need the book to create a custom class. I could construct one from just the players handbook 3.5. I'll work on my normal characters first and once I get them set up, I'll show you what I have in mind. I don't expect to actually use a custom character anytime soon, but I can at least start on one and get your advice on how to make it more acceptable. First things first, though, I'm going to work on making my characters. School just has me so busy...
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