About Forum Gallery
I am moving the original script that ran our Forum Gallery to here, the regular Boards, and establishing the Forum Gallery Board. ALL Members will be able to Upload their Photos regardless of Membership status.
1. All Uploads must be approved first before being made public.
2. Photos should be of your own and not someone's
3. If you are showing a photo of yourself then just show you and not others (such as a group photo) as they may not appreciate having their photo online.
1. Keep your photo in .JPG format
2. It should not be bigger than 600x600 pixels
3. It should not be larger than 70kb
I love that thumbnails were added to the threads, it looks more like a gallery now! Is there a reason our avatars don't show?
Posting Without An Image
Please not that if you are making a New Topic here it means that you want to Upload an image. If you attempt to post a New Topic with no image attached then the system will stop you.
Also, ensure that if you press the [Back] button on your browser that the Upload field is not clear as some Browsers do this for security reasons. If it is clear you will need to select your Image again for Upload.
Funny how this goes... I recently added some photos of Pizzas I made: Members are giving more comments over food (in this case "Pizza") than they are about photos of real people. I guess you can't feel hungry watching faces.
Reply With Attachment
Added in code so that if you Reply with an attachment in a Thread it will need to be approved first before being made public. This helps two things:
1. We want to insure the image is 'safe' for public viewing as is done with new Topics.
2. We want to insure the image is a follow-on to the original gallery image.
Fashion Models Added
We are merging one of our sites that had registered Model Profiles to here. Fashion Models can continue to add their best photos to the Gallery but actuall Discussion about Fashion / Modeling goes in the [+] Fashion, Photography, & Modeling Board.