I listen well and know how to teach others to listen charismatically, that is, in order to encourage talkers to continue on with what they need or are choosing to talk about. While this is not therapy it is often therapeutic and people who practice it find that individuals who are listened to well, often find their own ways through their struggles or problems. Listening well is an infinitely better response than is giving one's own advice.
Listening well to someone wanting to generate creativity often leads to the creativity, including well after the talker finishes talking. Creativity comes to them. Listening well also often creates wonderful laughter.
I like to talk when in the presence of good listeners, and find that talking--sometimes nonsensically, chaotically, or disjointedly--often results in clarity coming to me at the end of the nonsense. Also, talking with good listeners often leads to my most creative thinking. Just like walking.
I hope to connect with others in strong ways and creatively find and develop innovative ways to transform small groups and places in our world, as a prelude to bigger challenges.
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