As Salaam Alaikum :To the eyes that may read this may the Raheem from only Allahu wa Ta'ala send unto you and love ones the blessing that makes the Islamic life worthwhile. I was most taken at the notice of this site as to the standard required to be included among the members at hand. I am an Muslim by desire, I am an American by birth, I am an African by the Will of my Rabb (swt), I am at this posting 70 years of age, I am among those who understand and hold to the reality that the Din of al-Islam requires the same standard as to one's mental attitude as this site. That's what won me! InSha Allaahu wa Ta'ala may I learn and enjoy my time on this site. Of the years on line this is only the second Islaam site I am interest in! May Allaahu wa Ta'ala reward all of your efforts in life and on this site. Wa'salaam
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