Wishing a Good Morning, or a Good Afternoon, or a Good Evening is pointless and rather annoying since most of you won't fall in my timezone and thus I have no way to know exactly how to greet you. So for now, I hope a simple Hello will suffice.
The Point:
Getting to the point, I should say that this introduction of mine is apt to be a bit on the extensive side and thus to avoid anyone having to roam through reams of text to find a certain thing they might wish to know about me, I have put headings to all the parts. If any part does not interest you, you may skip it, though personally I would prefer all parts to be read to avoid any misunderstandings about me. Also feel free to ask any questions you have about me, or if you want to know any aspect of me more deeply.
Facts About Me:
First, some facts about myself. These facts might not be interesting to most people and is certainly not interesting to me, so I'll move through them in as quick a manner as possible. I'm male, will turn 18 years old on the 23rd of December, 2009(which is three days from today), will pass out from high-school in March, 2010, am preparing to sit for the IIT-JEE examinations(to take place on the 11th of April), and am currently single(though I'm not sure whether that last fact is relevant).
Having gone through the boring bits, I shall now move on to the more interesting reasons of why I'm here and how I found this place.
What I'm Here For:
First of all, let me say that I have selected 'Education' as my reason for being here, but to most people that will seem like falsehood since I'm not here for 'Education' in the most commonly used sense of the word. I'm not here to discuss my school work or any such things(though I probably shall take part in such discussions).
To me 'Education' means what it was originally meant to mean, that is, 'learning'. I'm here on this site to learn. And for me this means all aspects of learning and not just those prescribed in the school or college syllabus.
I believe that all through our lives, every moment should be spent in learning something new, for that is the only way that tomorrow shall find us farther ahead than today.
I have long pondered about the purpose of life. Are we born just to die? There are thousands upon thousands of people leading ordinary, everyday lives. They are born, they learn to survive, they do survive, and then they die. And in the whole process they create more than enough trouble for the rest of humanity.
So what is the point of the whole process, anyway? Then I figured that it is not my place to question or pry into reasons of ordinary people. They live their lives how they wish and it is not mine or anyone else's business to interfere with them.
But what I should know, question, and find out, is my own purpose in life. And for me the purpose is to learn more, to absorb the knowledge that humanity has to offer. Even in entertainment there should be an aspect of education. Mindless entrainment which serves to only create a feeling of well being and nothing else is, for me, meaningless.
And that is why I'm here, to find like-minded people to help me along my path of learning. It is much more fun to do things with other like-minded people than facing them alone.
My Interests:
My interests lie chiefly in books, music, anime, games, programming, and writing. Of course, even within these various vocations I have certain categories I follow since no one person has tastes within all categories of a particular vocation. Into these I shall now delve.
Reading has always been one of my favorite things in the world. If asked to choose between good food and a good book, I would take the book, and that is no exaggeration. I have been an avid reader since the age of seven, when my mother bought me a copy of 'Classic Children's Stories'. I soon moved onto detective and mystery stories by Enid Blyton and then her school-girl adventure series. After that I went into classics, medieval fantasy and modern fantasy. Soon I was absolutely hooked to books and there was no looking back.
The genres of preference are classic dramas(Dickens, Alcott, Austen, Bronte(Charlotte)), medieval fantasy(Tolkein, Lewis, Moorcock), modern fantasy(Rowling, Meyer), young-adventurers/detective(Blyton, Keene, Dixon, Hitchcock), light-romance(Mills & Boons publications, mostly), and any random book that is well-written, consistent, sensible, and has a proper message to carry.
My personal collection consists of most of the books mentioned above along with many random books by various authors. I add to my collection whenever the ones I already have, have been thoroughly read and analyzed.
Since I am a budding writer of sorts, I tend to analyze all texts that I read, try to understand why the author wrote what s/he wrote, how the characters have been presented, whether the situations are realistic, and other aspects of writing. Sometimes this takes the fun out of a second read, but it is vital if I wish to write a worthy book someday.
Music is truly one of the greatest forms of art and the greatest creation of the human race. And I sincerely believe that any race present anywhere in the Multiverse is capable of creating and appreciating the wonders of music.
I can't play any instruments or sing(though I still do, for my own pleasure and often to the annoyance of others), but thankfully I have the ability to appreciate it. My tastes in music is varied. I don't prefer any particular genre(though I'm slightly partial to Rock & Pop). The soul of music remains same whether it is made with a guitar or a violin. And although I am unable to comprehend the lyrics, I often listen to songs in foreign languages. Japanese music is my favorite and Kajiura Yuki my favorite composer.
I listen to various musicians and am slowly building up my collection. Music helps me unwind and forget any annoying memories that try to interfere with my tranquility.
The first anime that I ever saw was 'Ninja Robots', aired on Cartoon Network. I was, perhaps, six or seven years old then. The next ones were 'Pokemon' and 'Cardcaptor Sakura', both aired on Cartoon Network as well. Till then it was just a slight preference for anime over ordinary cartoons, having seen only those three and never knowing the difference between the two.
Later I started getting 'Animax' on cable and started watching anime in earnest and truly understanding the beauty of Japanese culture.
Anime is so much better than ordinary cartoons. There is story, proper attention to character development, above average artwork and great screenplay. It is truly lovely to see what the Japanese can do.
Of course, along with anime I also came into the manga scene and started reading manga avidly too. But here too I tend to analyze a bit too much.
I love gaming, but once again because it involves the aspect of story-telling. My favorite genres here are RPG, RTS,Action-Adventure, and TBS. As you can see, all of these involve various aspects of controlling a story; the reason why I'm drawn to them. Often I play a game just for the sake of it's story than for killing an hour or two.
Shadow Magic, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, are some of my all-time favorites. Their story-lines are truly epic and have mesmerized me. I shall soon buy and play Final Fantasy VII. It's an old game but one I haven't played yet and whose story is fantastic. I have seen 'Advent Children', and thus want to know what happened before that.
I also love playing MMORPG games but often find it uninteresting playing with people who are unresponsive. It is very difficult finding the right MMORPG to satisfy my needs. I'm still searching and testing.
This is one that shall lead me into the future. For I wish to make my living as a software developer. I truly love programming. The logical approach to things, the patient development process, the intense headaches when something goes wrong, these are things I truly cherish. And nothing would make me happier than making a living out of it.
But sadly, I'm not very good at programming. I have average knowledge of Java and nothing else. But I'm working towards increasing my knowledge and skills by learning JavaScript as soon as I finish learning CSS.
I have been writing- mostly average and unimportant pieces- since I was about twelve or so. I started off with poems and then went into stories. And although, back then, my writing style was below average, I can safely say that by now it has improved to quite an extent.
I mostly write romance, fantasy and mystery pieces. Nothing much else to say about this.
Ending It:
Not much left to say. I'm hoping to meet plenty of like-minded people with whom I can truly discuss things, solve some puzzling questions, and above all, learn. also hope to make new friends whom I can collaborate with in undertaking certain projects, if not for anything else than just for the sake of learning something new. So see you all in various discussions, hoping to have some fun as we learn.
Signing off...
I am Indian by birth and also live here. I plan to move soon, but that is still under consideration.
My parents are Bengali's and my grandfather originated in Bangladesh. My native tongue is Bengali, and yet thanks to my habit of extensive reading, I have been able to improve my English to the point where I've half-forgotten Bengali itself.
I don't really believe that a person needs to cling to his roots and heritage, because the truth stands that the person was never allowed to choose his roots. And not being a tree, I cannot tolerate the fact that I shall grow where I was planted.
There are a myriad of culture in this world, and each has its own unique beauty. To take in the good from each culture, and imbibe them within myself is my goal. Thus I seek to move on and make myself a citizen of Planet Earth rather than a citizen of India.
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