Ecawilson Introduction - Page 2 of 2

QUOTE (Ecawilson)Also, how do you feel about - Page 2 - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 22nd Aug, 2009 - 5:19pm

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Post Date: 22nd Aug, 2009 - 3:00am / Post ID: #

Ecawilson Introduction
A Friend

Ecawilson Introduction - Page 2

Thanks for fixing my off topic post under the Word of Wisdom thread. Were all the grammatical errors there before you moved it? I am more than a little embarrassed.

Anyway, I was curious what procedure was in situations like that. I am sure that posts similar to Lia's come about here often. Moving those, it seems, to their own thread would likely be unhelpful. Perhaps a response is unnecessary, but I am sure that there is always someone here who likes to respond... As such, what should that person (me, in this case) do?

Have self-control and ignore the person (who obviously wants some sort of response), respond as I did and wait for you to fix it (like you have extra time...), or start my own thread (which doesn't seem to be helpful if I want them to see it)? Or do you have a better suggestion?

In this particular case, I would have felt uncomfortable ignoring. I had been planning on ignoring the post, but the next post as a response bothered me, and I felt that something 'un-judgmental' needed to be added. I don't need everyone or anyone to agree with what I said, but if this young lady is sincere, it would seem more than ironic to allow a woman who is complaining of cold chastisement from someone who doesn't care about her to be responded to only by cold chastisement from someone who doesn't care about her. The problem obviously was never the Word of Wisdom, but uncaring people telling her that her feelings were wrong.

Maybe I don't need to justify or explain myself. What is your preference for next time (if there be a next time)?

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Post Date: 22nd Aug, 2009 - 11:19am / Post ID: #

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Introduction Ecawilson

QUOTE (Ecawilson)
Were all the grammatical errors there before you moved it?

I moved your off topic text not changed its content.

Anyway, I was curious what procedure was in situations like that.

The procedure has been given to you many times, careful reading of our Constructive Posting Policy reveals all. Also in that particular Post you started with an off topic saying that you believe the Moderators will agree with your own decision to take the Thread in a certain direction. By doing so you tried to set a standard not allowed here, therefore I personally addressed that Thread.

In this particular case, I would have felt uncomfortable ignoring.

When you decide to take a Thread away from the subject of the first post that is called "Hijacking a Thread" and it is not tolerated here. A person may be going to a Thread looking for info on apples and end up reading about oranges and feel mislead.

The correct response in that situation would be to continue the Thread's topic about the Word of Wisdom and in a small off topic box address her concerns about leaving the Church. Your off topic should never be so large that it overrides the flow of Discussion.

The other option is to mention that you will like to address her concern and take it to a New Thread as I have done. One point though, you will notice that person submitted their response as a Guest. Those posts usually have very little weight because the person is unlikely to follow up and there is no way to verify if the person who made the original post will follow up. In other words anyone can respond and say they are "Lia" as a Guest.

Lastly, this is not about how embarrassed we can make you or any Member, this is about very strict rules we have here that are regularly enforced. Most if not all Members when they first join just glance over our rules and policies (despite many warnings to read it thoroughly) and become rudely awakened when they find their Post edited / removed. Please ensure to read the links Joseph gave you so you become very familiar with procedures here as there is no negotiation in the methods of Moderation.

The reason our content is generally at a Mature level without teeny bopper rants and whimsical responses is because of these policies. We do not expect Members to be perfect in following them or perfect in their grammar, but definitely not try to change our structure either. Some Members have a tough time understanding the balance. Thanks for understanding. I look forward to more of your input in our Discussion.

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Post Date: 22nd Aug, 2009 - 4:26pm / Post ID: #

Ecawilson Introduction
A Friend

Ecawilson Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

The embarrassment was due to my poor grammatical skills, not any action on your part.

The procedure I had been referring to was how to respond to an important point when made in a thread where that point is off topic. Both of the preceding posts were off topic, I wanted to respond to those two posts. I felt the thread was already hijacked. By my off topic disclaimer, and my opinion on the end that had at least a little bit to do with the topic, I had hoped to bring it back on topic.

So, thank you for suggesting a better way. I was reluctant to start a new thread, because I didn't want to clutter the forum. But I was even more reluctant to link to that new thread in a short post. Such a short post, I thought, would be even more off topic. But, I see your viewpoint, that 'off topic' has more to do with derailing conversation than percent of content relevancy.

I don't recall exactly what I typed, but if I said 'I believe', I apologize. I meant to be much less forceful than that, more like 'hope'. In addressing that that post was off topic, I meant to defer to authority, not to supersede it.

Also, how do you feel about me starting topic questions, similarly to what you have been doing?

And, why are the links numbered (e.g Source 9, or Source 3)? These numbers seem to have no bearing on the order in which a link is posted.

Post Date: 22nd Aug, 2009 - 5:19pm / Post ID: #

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Page 2 Introduction Ecawilson

QUOTE (Ecawilson)
Also, how do you feel about me starting topic questions, similarly to what you have been doing?

That is most welcomed IF the Question / Topic does not already exist. 95% of the time Members often start 'new' Topics that are already in the Community. Please do a Search first as no Topic here is considered 'old' as in most other Communities. Also if it is LDS related be sure your Topic is not something that may be in the Mature LDS Board since that will not show up in your Search results. (See the Thread about the LDS Mature section for Topics likely not to be for Public view).

And, why are the links numbered (e.g Source 9, or Source 3)? These numbers seem to have no bearing on the order in which a link is posted.

They are randomly generated when Members post full links without properly formatting it (Using [url...] and so forth), so instead of showing the whole "https://... Etc" it will show Source and a number.

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