Seeing the secret passage shut after the thieves made it out Thomas turns around and heads to where the archers are shooting from. HE will climb up to where they are and take them out. Once he has the archers attention the others will move to the next cave across from the cave they are in.
We will bind out wounds as best we can as we get ready to move to the next cave south that is on the left. Thomas will stay at the edge of this cave watching for the bandit archer. HE will fire his bow as soon as the bandit archer makes his presence known. Thomas hopes to take out the bandit and then move to the next cave after the others have made it there.
Wuhn will check for traps while Pundit keeps an eye out at the cave opening for any archers or bandits who may try to come at us. After Wuhn checks for traps we will venture further into the cave to see where it leads. Pundit will stay back at the entrance to make sure the bandits do not try to sneak up behind us.
Since we can not open the door we will turn back and head back to the cave opening. Thomas and Pundit will lead the others. We will have weapons out and at the ready. We are going slowly just in case the bandits are attacking. IF they are in the cave Thomas and pundit will charge into them hacking them apart.
We wait for the bandits to get close to us. Thomas hands his bow to Morton to use. Once the bandits and thier pets get close Thomas will engage them with sword. Pundit will be at the front of the cave while Morton and Whun attack from behind Pundit. It is our goal to kill them all.
We will move back further into the cave away from the smoke and the flames. We will make sure there are no fires burning us. Pundit will go back to the door to see if there is a way he can break through it. Morton and Thomas will be by the turn to shoot at and kill any bandits that try to look into the cave to see what we are doing. This should also put us beyond the sight of the archers.