GM Stats
Now you can see all the Players that have created a Character in the World of Medieval. Learn More. Keep in mind that past Characters were deleted if Players neglected to carry it over to the new system.
End of the World of Medieval
Based on my latest Newsletter here, the World of Medieval has come to an end. I'm closing this one now as there isn't an active World of Medieval game at the moment. It was nice watching your Characters grow, fail and grow again but all good things must come to an end. I will be diligently looking for a similar Medieval Role-playing Game to have active Role-playing Games in this Board (NOT Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder). I will leave the World of Medieval Support & Questions Thread open for now in case of any Questions.
Need Another Medieval Based Role-playing Game
To fill the void in this Board, I will like to have a new Game Master take over World of Medieval using a system that is fantasy / medieval based but NOT Pathfinder or D&D as it is well taken up in the Member Wars Board. Please see this: Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards.