Well, the title seems simple [enough].
I have already explained what the game is about.
I want to make a campaign with this game. It will have some violence, but that always depend from the players: I mastered once a game with 2 medias (Journalists) and except for a couple of fist [fight], it was mainly investigation
I have already a rocker. I want at least 2 other players. A good idea would be a fixer (Who would be the rocker agent) and a solo (The bodyguard) or a Netrunner.
If anyone knows the system, the better; if not, [I'll] make the chars.
The scenario will start in [Night] city (A huge sprawl between S. Francisco and L.A.).
The game will be called the "The Ballad of Hephaestus".
I'm looking between 3 and 6 players. The classes I accept are solo (Fighter), netrunner (Hacker), fixer (Agent/smuggler/dealer), techie (Mechanical genius), med (Medical), rocker (Musician).
There aren't levels in cyberpunk 2020. Characters receive points when they finish a scenario, and they can increase some skills (Or spend money to put some new implant).
Each character will have 7000$ to buy [equipment] (So no full borg). The equipment will be from the [official] rules (Cyberpunk 2020), the 4 chromium books and Firestorm: Stormfront. I won't accept from the Eurotour or Deep Space
The book with the rules can be bought in the [official] site. Cyberpunk 2020 is a registered trademark of R.Talsorian Corporation
I can help to create [characters], and all the initial details.
I fixed your title to reflect your Role-playing Game's name. For reference, those interested will like to know that the Cyberpunk 2020 core books are: