Politics In Adventure Role-Playing Games
As a GM do you allow local in game politics to affect Characters? Do you allow Characters to interact with royalty and their title holders?
It depends on the scenario or campaign but in either case interacting with royalty will be something reserved for higher level characters.
In Kingmaker it will be unavoidable. In any other adventure, the nobility are the decision makers and will affect the game world more than the player characters usually.
You only need to look at royalty today to see what the chance of meeting one of them would be.
At low level, I would say its [kind of] rare. But, the King might put out an order to retrieve an object or kill someone, then his second in command talk to the party to give them their order. Basically, the party is removed by one to the true nobility until they have proven themselves.
When they encounter the king, it is where the fun stuff really starts to happen. (I.e. Kings are clever and can have fun with them - AHa(Laugh) - Evil GM laugh)