Krusten's Blog
A Blog opened for Member Krusten as requested. Only Krusten should post here others can use the Comment link to reply.
I requested this blog be opened for me but to be honest I'm not sure why. I have never really blogged before. I guess you put random thoughts here about things that happen in your life - boring. Maybe I can talk about issues in the world - I do that in the rest of the site that interests me, I'll have to come up with something.
While grocery shopping today I decided to check out the ingredients of a couple of items we normally buy. I saw some long scientific names that I didn't even know what they do. I have to look it up still but it does bring into question if we are really eating healthy food or consuming boxes, cans and containers of chemicals. Personally, I want to go organic but the extra expense may be tough because once you start it makes no sense to go on and off with it.
Been getting the house ready for Christmas. I'm not doing it alone but I usually take on most of the decorating because I'm the artsy one at home. I don't mind either it brings a certain sense of satisfaction when its all done. The harder part is taking it down. Today, I've some extra time so decided to catch up on everything here.
Its been so long since I wrote anything in my blog. I can't find something worthwhile to say at times and I feel like it will be boring to enter anything but today I think I have something significant. I was passing a church around from where I live last Sunday. I noticed an old beggar was nearby too but on the opposite side from where I was so he didn't see me. I saw he asked a few of the members of the church for some money but they turned him away with scorn. I was like why even bother go to church! I crossed the street and gave him a ten because he looked really hungry. The church people were watching me like if I was the one committing the sin. I don't understand why you are more special because you are in church and someone who is hungry isn't.
My blog is a lesson in good intentions. I always have the intention of updating it but it slips my mind or gets overlooked. I guess I'm not serious enough about it or don't have anything worthwhile happening in my life. My Role-playing Game characters are far more exciting than I am. Maybe I should blogging about their progress.