Start New Unique Topics
I know most Members think we have most everything covered here, but the fact that the Bots or myself start new Topics each day shows there is a lot to be done. It will be nice if Members could start a lot of New Unique Topics on their own so they become the Authors of the Thread and their name appears as Topic Starters.
Here are some ideas:
1. News specific to your town or area not covered by the large media houses is ideal
2. "How to" Threads are great, Krakyn put one about making a long bow and it has been a huge hit
3. Threads about specific areas are good. For instance we have very little to date on various types of guns, bullets, etc. That could go in the Military Board.
Sometimes I don't want to because this place has everything already online.
It is actually impossible for us to have everything here, but if you provide local news for your area then we can come pretty close. Most of the news here is the major news / international news. What we lack is info for specific States / counties, etc.