Where Are The Latest Topics?
Members sometimes do not realize just how many topics we have here.
Occasionally you will get, 'I did not realize...', 'I missed this topic', 'I lost track of this one...', 'Where are the hot topics...', 'There aren't Topics to reply to...' and so on. For new members a Community like this may seem impossible to understand, but really it isn't if you take a second to breathe and then read.
There is help everywhere! This FAQ section is a very valuable resource and answers about 95% of the questions posters have. Okay, so let us begin...
You have just joined the forum:
1. You would have made an introduction post, make sure to follow up on it, members reply and welcome you, this is the place for you to tell about yourself and ask questions.
2. Can't remember where you put your intro post? Easy pickings, click on your name, you will be taken to your Profile page, and then select the link: "find all posts by this member". It will display Posts you have made in the past - look for the first message you made.
3. Okay, so you have made the introduction and followed up - what next? Well, why are you here? If you are here for modeling (for example) then you can go check out the Fashion Modeling board. This board has several pages of topics with valuable information and many opinions, add yours, you may be able to help others understand the subject better or gain a different perspective. You can then go to the Fashion section and add your profile. You can then go to the gallery and add your photo so everyone can see how good you look.
4. You can click 'Hot Topics' and check the newest messages if you like.
5. Forget trying to PM (private message) people, you won't be able to do that until you Upgrade your account, besides, why remain in the dark when you can share your 'light'.
You are an Advanced user:
1. Keep in mind that using the Forum index will NOT show all the latest posts in a category. The reason for this is because categories contain sub categories of boards and the index only shows the latest post in those combined boards. Example:
Entertainment, Fashion, Modeling, Beauty & Health
Movies & Television
|_ Matrix
|_ Actors & Actresses
The above shows that under 'Entertainment, Fashion, Modeling, Beauty & Health' there is a board called, 'Movies & Television' that also has two other boards called, 'Matrix' and 'Actors & Actresses'. Each of these boards at different levels contain their own threads. When you go to the board called, 'Movies & Television' you will see the other two sub boards at the top (see attachment - green arrow points to the 'Matrix' board)
Where Are The Latest Topics? (Hover)
Intro & Rave Threads
Q. How do I find a member's Intro thread?
A. You can always know and find a person's intro Thread or any of their Threads for that matter by simply going to their profile and clicking on 'Find All Posts by this Member'. You can cycle through their last or first post which would be their intro post.
Q. How does a user's Intro thread end up in the Rave Board?
A. When a Member Upgrades their Intro Thread is moved to the Raid Board.
Q. Can I talk about anything in an Intro thread?
A. Only if it is relevant to the person to whom the intro thread it belongs. Do not speak about topics that belong elsewhere in an intro thread. The main purpose of the intro thread is to get to know or inform the person to whom the intro thread belongs.
Understanding Threads, Topics, & Replies
Q. Can I respond to 'old' Topics?
A. No Topic here is considered 'old', Threads are Updated and NOT repeated in this Community. For instance someone may have started a Thread called "Oranges" several years ago. Does that mean it is not relevant now? Of course not, it is very much relevant and you merely carry on with the Topic in the SAME Thread the person started. This may be a new way of dealing with Threads for you, but it isn't for us as we see Threads like a vault of information and not a competition to see who can post the latest information on a Topic.
Q. I'm looking at a Board and only see 50 Threads and 5 Replies, so there isn't anything to Reply to.
There isn't anything to reply to? Most times if you are on a certain Board it is because you are interested in the subject it focuses on. Just looking to reply only to the most recently Updated Threads really does not achieve much if you are still in the concept of what is 'old' and what is 'new'. Again, from above, we do not consider Topics 'old' here so respond to any you like. Sometimes you find that a Thread you respond to on page 5 or 6 (as an example) of a Board becomes quite popular again after your Reply.
Additionally, Boards have more than one page of Threads. Members tend to look at just the first page of Threads and not go to the second, third, page and so forth. See the attached photo (#2) where it shows there are 21 pages of Movies to review and not merely the first page only.
#1 - Location Bar - Shows your location in the Community
#2 - No. Of Pages With Threads - each Page typically shows 50-60 Threads. In the below example there are 21 pages of 50-60 Threads. That means this Board has a possible 1,200+ Threads to respond to!
#3 - These are Sub-Boards or Boards within Boards. Therefore you have the Movies & Television Board and under that you have "Actors & Actresses".
#4 - Sticky Threads - These are Threads that always stay at the Top regardless of the date of the last Post.
#5 - Regular Threads - This where all the Threads are kept.
Where Are The Latest Topics? (Hover)