Ad&d Play By Post Roster 1 [gm/pl Only]

Ad Play Post Roster 1 [gm/pl Only] - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 5th Feb, 2010 - 6:57pm

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5th Feb, 2010 - 10:15am / Post ID: #

Ad&d Play By Post Roster 1 [gm/pl Only]


I have created this Party Roster thread for easy reference of characters' full stats, without the various in-between posts in the Characters thread. I'll try to keep it updated when possible but someone might mention something in a thread sometime if there is something major that needs to be updated.

Namdar Al Sattar (Jpatt)
Half-Orc, Rogue 1, Male, CN, 6'5, 260 lbs, 28
ST: 14/+2 | MAB +2
DX: 13/+1 | RAB +1
CN: 11/+0 | AC 15/12
IQ: 11/+0 | HPT 6
WI: 13/+1 | IN 1/30
CH: 13/+1 | XP: 500
Ft +0, Rf +3, Wi +1
-1 Armor Check Pen.
Personal Enc: 50/58 lbs., Loadout: 55/116 lbs.
PCN: *Darksight 60'
*F: Investigator
2 Listen
3 Search
2 Spot

SOC: 1 Appraise
2 Bluff
3 Diplomacy
3 Disguise
3 Gather Info
2 Intimidate
2 Perform: Act
2 Sense Motive

ROG: *Sneak Attack (+1D6d)
2 Balance
3 Climb
2 Disable Device
2 Escape
2 Hide
3 Jump
3 Move Silent
2 Open Lock
3 Slight/Hand

GEN: 1 Ride
1 Survival
2 Swim
2 Tumble
2 Use Rope
std. Leath./+3/-1, buckler/+1, scimitar/D6, longbow/D8/100', arrows/20, dagger/D4, sling/4 stones, caltrops, explorer outfit, belt pouch, slingbag, sack, rations/2 days, waterskin/gal, tinderbox, 1 torch, 1 flask oil, sunrod, chalk and string, Thieves' tools, Honeydew Inn Meal Disc, 25gp -- backpack, bedroll, winter blanket, gr-hook, 50' silk rope, disguise kit, 2 torches, 4 candles, hooded lantern, 2 flasks oil, whetstone, sap, 1 wk rations

Lionel Alexander Cortez (Thomaslee)
Sorcerer 1, NG, Human
Str: 8/-1
Dex: 16/3
Con: 12/1
Int: 17/3
Wis: 16/3
Cha: 18/4

Fortitude: 0+1=1
Reflex: 0+3=3
Will: 2+3=5
Initiative : 3+0=3
Melee: 0+-1+0=-1
Ranged: 0+3+0=3
Armour Class: 3+10+0=13
Spells: Detect Poison--0
Detect Magic--0
Summon Monster I--1
Comprehend Languages--1
Enlarge Person--1
Magic Missile--1
Reduce Person--1
concentration 4+1=5
craft 4+3=7
knowledge arcana 4+3=7
knowledge religion 2+3=5
profession 4+3=7
spellcraft 4+3=7
Dagger 1d4 (1), Backpack 2lb (1), Bedroll 5lb (1), Blanket 3lb (1), Ink (1), Inkpen (1), Paper (6), Pouch, belt 3lb (1), Rations 1lb (4), Sewing needle (1), Soap 1lb (2), Waterskin 4lb (1), Whetstone 1lb (1), Holy Symbol, silver 1lb (1), Spell component pouch 2lb (1), Cold weather outfit 7lb (1), Explorer's outfit 8lb (3), quarterstaff (1), Potions; Jump (2), Pass Without Trace (2), Longbow

Krusten (*)
Sorcerer 1, LG, Elf
Strength: 15+2
Dexterity: 19+5
Constitution: 12+1
Intelligence: 14+2
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17+3

Spells: Acid Splash -- 0
Read Magic -- 0
Prestidigitation -- 0
Detect Magic -- 0
Summon Monster I -- 1
Charm Person -- 1
balance 2 + 4 = 6
climb 2 + 2 = 4
heal 2 + 0 = 2
knowledge arcana 2 + 2 = 4
listen 2 + 0 = 2
search 2 + 2 = 4
spellcraft 2 + 2 = 4
spot 2 + 0 = 2
Immune to sleep
Dagger, punching 1d4 (1) Shortbow 1d6 (1) Arrows (20) (1) Padded armor +1 (1) Backpack 2lb (1) Blanket 3lb (1) Candle (10) (1) Flask (3) (1) Flint/steel (1) Ink (1) Inkpen (1) Lantern, bullseye 3lb (1) Oil 1lb (1) Paper (1) Pole (10ft) 8lb (1) Soap 1lb (1) Tent 20lb (1) Torch 1lb (3) Waterskin 4lb (1) Whetstone 1lb (1) 6 Healing potions

Beast (Play by Post)
Fighter 1, half-orc, chaotic-good
Dexterity: 14+2
Constitution: 16+3
Intelligence: 3 -4
Wisdom: 17 +3
Charisma: 11

AC: 20
Hit Points: 13
Base Attack Bonus: 1
MAB +5
RAB +3
handle animal 1 + 0 = 1
jump 1 + 4 = 5
ride 1 + 2 = 3
swim 1 + 4 = 5
armor proficiency light
armor proficiency medium
armor proficiency heavy
exotic weapon proficiency
martial weapon proficiency
shield proficiency
simple weapon proficiency
tower shield proficiency
Languages: Common, Orc
Dagger, punching 1d4 (1) Axe, throwing 1d6 (1) Greataxe 1d12 (1) Banded mail +6 (1) Shield, large, steel +2 (1) Backpack 2lb (1) Flint/steel (1) Grappling hook 4lb (1) Lantern, bullseye 3lb (1) Pole (10ft) 8lb (1) Rations 1lb (4) Rope (50ft) 5lb (1) Tent 20lb (1) Waterskin 4lb (1) Money: pp - 1 gp - 139 sp - 8

Pundit (RPGPundit)
Cleric 1, Human, Lawful Good
Worships Heironeous
Strength: 14 | Fortitude: + = 3
Dexterity: 14 | Reflex: + = 2
Constitution: | 13 Will: + = 3
Intelligence: 11 | Initiative: + = 2
Wisdom: 13 | Melee: + + = 2
Charisma: 6 | Ranged: + + = 2

Hit Points: 9
Base Attack Bonus: 0
Armor Class: 2 + 10 + 8 = 18
concentration 1 + 1 = 2
heal 4 + 1 = 5
knowledge arcana 1 + 0 = 1
knowledge history 1 + 0 = 1
knowledge religion 1 + 0 = 1
listen 4 + 1 = 5
spellcraft 4 + 0 = 4
spot 4 + 1 = 5
armor proficiency light
armor proficiency medium
armor proficiency heavy
shield proficiency
simple weapon proficiency
Turn undead
Language: Common
Mace, heavy 1d8 (1) Banded mail +6 (1) Shield, large, wood +2 (1) Backpack 2lb (1) Blanket 3lb (1) Candle (10) (1) Crowbar 5lb (1) Flask (3) (1) Flint/steel (1) Pole (10ft) 8lb (1) Pouch, belt 3lb (1) Rations 1lb (6) Torch 1lb (4) Vial (1) Waterskin 4lb (1) Holly and Mistletoe (1) Holy Symbol, wood (1) Spell component pouch 2lb (1) Money:1 pp - 138 gp - 3 sp

Skedvick (Krakyn)
Ranger 1, Half Elf, Lawful Neutral
Worships St. Cuthbert
Strength: 17 +3 Fortitude: 2+1 =3
Dexterity: 14 +2 Reflex: 2+2 =4
Constitution: 13+1 Will: 0
Intelligence: 16+3 Initiative: 2+ 0=2
Wisdom: 11 Melee: 1+3 + 0=4
Charisma: 10 Ranged: 1+2 +0 =3

Hit Points:9
Base Attack Bonus: 1
balance 2 + 2 = 4
climb 2 + 3 = 5
concentration 2 + 1 = 3
craft 2 + 3 = 5
decipher script 2 + 3 = 5
diplomacy 2 + 0 = 2
escape artist 2 + 2 = 4
knowledge arcana 2 + 3 = 5
knowledge dungeoneering 1 + 3 = 4
knowlege nature 2 + 3 = 5
listen 2 + 0 = 2
move silently 1 + 2 = 3
search 1 + 3 = 4
sleight of hand 1 + 2 = 3
spot 1 + 0 = 1
swim 1 + 3 = 4
use rope 2 + 2 = 4
armor proficiency light
martial weapon proficiency
shield proficiency
simple weapon proficiency
Favored enemy
Track, wild empathy
Dagger 1d4 (1) Long sword (from Orcs) (1) Shortbow 1d6 (1) Arrows (20) (2) Leather +2 (1) Shield, small, steel +1 (1) Backpack 2lb (1) Blanket 3lb (1) Chalk (10) (1) Flask (3) (2) Rations 1lb (7) Sack (2) Sewing needle (1) Signal whistle (1) Soap 1lb (1) Torch 1lb (2) Explorer's outfit 8lb (1) Feats/Specials: armor proficiency light endurance martial weapon proficiency shield proficiency simple weapon proficiency Favored enemy Track, wild empathy

Oliron (Oliron/Nick)
Fighter 1, Human, NG
Worships Pelor
Str. 17,+3
Dex. 16,+3 | AC: 20
Con. 13,+1 | HP: 11
Int. 13,+1 | Fort:+3
Wis. 16,+3 | Ref:+3
Cha. 6,-2 | Will:+3

melee att. Bonus, +4
melee dmg. Bonus, +3
ranged att. Bonus, +4
Initiative: 3 + = 3
Hit Points: 11
Base Attack Bonus: 1
Money: pp - gp 2 - sp 1 - Armor Class: 3 + 10 = 13
climb 4 + 3 = 7
handle animal 4 + -2 = 2
jump 4 + 3 = 7
swim 4 + 3 = 7
armor proficiency light
armor proficiency medium
armor proficiency heavy
martial weapon proficiency
power attack
shield proficiency
simple weapon proficiency
tower shield proficiency
weapon focus
Bastard sword (d10), Short sword (d6), Shortbow (d6), quiver (20 arrows), large wooden shield (+2 ac), Breastplate, Flint/steel, Oil, belt pouch

Amaruil Ethrallen (Amaruil)
Rogue 1, Elf, Chaotic Neutral
Worships Olidammara
Strength: 13 + 1
Dexterity: 18 + 4
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 12 + 1
Wisdom: 12 + 1
Charisma: 14 + 2

Hit Points: 6
Base Attack Bonus: 0

Fortitude: 1
Reflex: 6
Will: 1
Initiative: 4
Melee: 2
Ranged: 4
bluff 6 + 2 = 8
diplomacy 4 + 2 = 6
disable device 4 + 1 = 5
gather information 4 + 2 = 6
hide 2 + 3 = 5
intimidate 2 + 2 = 4
listen 6 + 1 = 7
move silently 4 + 4 = 8
open lock 4 + 5 = 9
search 2 + 1 = 3
sense motive 2 + 1 = 3
sleight of hand 4 + 6 = 10
spot 2 + 1 = 3
Immune to sleep
armor proficiency light
simple weapon proficiency
Sneak attack
Dagger 1d4 (1) Sword, short 1d6 (1) Studded leather +3 (1) Shield, small, wood +1 (1) Backpack 2lb (1) Bedroll 5lb (1) Thieves' tools, masterwork 2lb (1) Artisan's outfit 4lb (1)

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Post Date: 5th Feb, 2010 - 6:57pm / Post ID: #

Ad&d Play By Post Roster 1 [gm/pl Only]
A Friend

Only gmpl Roster Post Play Adampd

Looks good to me. As long as you keep the current party updated it is a good reference point.

> TOPIC: Ad&d Play By Post Roster 1 [gm/pl Only]


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