Christmas Offends Muslims

Christmas Offends Muslims - Christmas - Posted: 29th Dec, 2020 - 7:48pm

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29th Dec, 2020 - 7:48pm / Post ID: #

Christmas Offends Muslims

I usually dislike politically correct rhetoric of any type but one thing to note is how easy it is to say these things in a largely Christian based country when you are fully masked. Don't dare do that in a Muslim based country though, right?

international QUOTE
American Muslim Woman: “Christmas Offends Muslims And It’s “Islamophobia” to Celebrate it”. [..] “Many practices from the West come from Christianity, and these celebrations actually harm us (Moslems),” she alleged. “The West is a multicultural society. There is no right and wrong, except for what the government and the people decide what is right and what is wrong.” Source 4b.

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