Why I Celebrate Christmas - Page 2 of 2

As early as September, you can feel the Christmas - Page 2 - Christmas - Posted: 5th Aug, 2020 - 3:07am

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14th Dec, 2014 - 6:49pm / Post ID: #

Why I Celebrate Christmas - Page 2

I can answer this in the opposite way - why not celebrate Christmas? There is nothing bad with Christmas itself, there is only plenty to love: the feeling of togetherness, thinking about others through gift giving and sharing time with those you love. Its not like other holidays, during Christmas you expect to stay home.

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20th Mar, 2015 - 5:26pm / Post ID: #

Christmas Celebrate Why

Its the best time of the entire year except for my own birthday. What is there not to like about Christmas? Sure you have to spend a little more but there are few things really worth it that you don't have to spend money on. wink.gif

15th Dec, 2015 - 1:48am / Post ID: #

Why I Celebrate Christmas Christmas

For me Christmas is a time for family and togetherness, in which good cheer and moments to remember can bloom. I love Christmas not for the presents or gifts, but because of what I feel the holiday represents.

I am Christian, so part of this is remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ but I feel this holiday is such that even if you don't believe is such you can still celebrate Christmas.

Even the jolly giver in red is something to consider, though more in the sense of giving not receiving, and that of the holiday spirit can be felt. The beauty of snow fall, the warmth of a fire, the wonderful taste of hot chocolate and candy canes, or peppermints, the songs and music of the season. There is so much to enjoy and look forward to.

20th Dec, 2015 - 1:44am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Christmas Celebrate Why

I love the time that can be spent with family specially when they live far away and its the only time you get to see them.

Post Date: 19th Jun, 2018 - 1:56am / Post ID: #

Why I Celebrate Christmas
A Friend

Christmas Celebrate Why

I celebrate Christmas because Jesus Christ was born and came to earth as our savior. This is the main reason I celebrate Christmas but I also love the merriment as well as all of the goodies both edible and non-edible if you know what I mean. All kidding aside though I know the real reason for the season.

14th Dec, 2018 - 3:01pm / Post ID: #

Why I Celebrate Christmas

Its more of a tradition for me more than anything else. I do not see the religious side of it nor the commercial but its a good break from normal life at least for a day.

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2nd Dec, 2019 - 4:23am / Post ID: #

Why Celebrate Christmas - Page 2

I celebrate christmas because growing up it was always a big tradition, listening to christmas music and a time of being with loved ones. I want to pass this along to current people in my life and my future family. It's a time of peace and love that everyone should enjoy.

5th Aug, 2020 - 3:07am / Post ID: #

Why Celebrate Christmas Christmas - Page 2

As early as September, you can feel the Christmas season creeping in every homes in our country. TV shows woud start their countdown, shops and homes would start bringing out their Christmas decors and lights. Christmas is a big event for every Filipino family. The spirit of Christmas is strongly emphasized reminding us the birth of Christ and how we should emulate his life and works. But to everyone, young or old, it is the season of giving and sharing.

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