Even Trump used the media to get where he is today, the media is only bad when it makes him look bad but if the media used a lie to make him look good I doubt he would try to correct it through Twitter *wink*.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 10 1%
This is why the media needs to change their ways. The fact that people will and can use them to promote a lie and that way help them get what they want is scary at times. If the Media made sure that all they reported on was the truth then it could not be used to make people believe in a lie.
The media is more interested in profits and getting the scoop, which leads to profits, so they don't have time to check out if what they report is true or not. And if it is anti President Trump they start by absolutely believing it if it's bad and then don't look for proof against.
Get first hand experience for this one, when the media give false information and exaggeration of what I have done, and even repeat it over and over like a propaganda news or brainwashing way, granted nothing viral here usually, and of course, even with my family complain and trying to sue and even with all that video evidence brought by my friendly neighbor to know me better to clear the misconception or false news, nothing happen to them, not even an apologize, heck my family even lose some part of the land in another court that somehow use my case to win over despite the unrelated case, because I found the cold hard truth that the law system herein my country are rigged, and seems to have already usurped by hidden agenda to this country, thats why it start to get more extremist as days go by.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 20 2%