Baby Mourning Doves - Page 2 of 2

There is a hawk in the area so I think they - Page 2 - International Forum Gallery - Posted: 2nd Mar, 2018 - 4:55pm

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4th Jun, 2017 - 5:21pm / Post ID: #

Baby Mourning Doves - Page 2

That's sweet JB I did not know you had extended family. If they want to be there no matter how difficult you make it then it means they are gathering something from the aura of your home. Not superstitious or anything like that just saying sensitive animals know how to read these things.

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2nd Mar, 2018 - 12:01pm / Post ID: #

Doves Mourning Baby

Despite my efforts to stop them from having their babies in our place this mother was insistent and came inside of our porch and on my work table to have her two. She chose my trucks utility box to do her thing so I put it in a cardboard box to give her some privacy. Where this box is right now we walk up and down about 2-3 feet away, above it because its on a table and she isn't bothered by it.

Baby Mourning Doves
Baby Mourning Doves (Hover)

2nd Mar, 2018 - 1:38pm / Post ID: #

Baby Mourning Doves Gallery Forum International

I never have the heart to remove the phoebes from my front porch. Fortunately they don't seem to be destructive. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets attached to the wildlife that tries to share my space.

2nd Mar, 2018 - 4:55pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Doves Mourning Baby

There is a hawk in the area so I think they enjoy the cover of the house. We're vegans so it is natural for us to want to help any animal I'm just hoping their next move isn't actually inside the house.

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