Zeus, My Cat

Zeus Cat - International Forum Gallery - Posted: 26th Sep, 2021 - 8:17am

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26th Jul, 2018 - 1:08pm / Post ID: #

Zeus, My Cat

Thought I'll post a photo of my cat. Might add more here if I can. He's a tricky one to get good photos of! Almost like he can sense when I take out my phone.
I got him in December of 2012, at an adoption place in NYC. I was wearing a scarf, and standing by the cat cages, and this little fellow grabbed it from in between the bars. I pulled it away and started playing with him. I realized that he was the one I wanted, despite having come in with the expectation of getting a kitten. He was… I think 8 months old at the time or a little older, can't remember. He's still a bit skittish, always has been, but he's warmed up to me. I don't quite remember why I named him Zeus, but eh, the name stuck.

Zeus, My Cat
Zeus, My Cat (Hover)

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7th Sep, 2018 - 11:03am / Post ID: #

Cat Zeus

Friendly cats are like that, they reach out to you in a similar way to how a dog would. Its a good find because cats are very temperamental and moody.

26th Oct, 2020 - 11:04pm / Post ID: #

Zeus, My Cat Gallery Forum International

That's adorable! How I look at it is that they rather you live in the moment than living it through a screen or the past. There is so much things out there that you could be enjoying yourself instead, but as many understands as well, its great to remember it with pictures to show off to those you tell it to.

23rd Feb, 2021 - 4:50pm / Post ID: #

Cat Zeus

That's a nice cat! I own cats too and they are all very adorable. It's a nice thing to take pics of your cats as it reminds you of them when the time comes that you can no longer be with them.

23rd Mar, 2021 - 3:02pm / Post ID: #

Cat Zeus

AWESOME! My girlfriend and I are going to be getting two kittens at the end of the week! Id love to post pictures of them!

26th Sep, 2021 - 8:17am / Post ID: #

Zeus, My Cat

It sounds like a good cat. I used to have a cat but it died. I had two cats. I really loved my cats. I wish I can get another cat. They are so cute and cuddly.

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