Harry From Scotland

Harry Scotland - International Forum Gallery - Posted: 6th Aug, 2022 - 5:52pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 2 - Views: 7177
Top  Harry Scotland
6th Aug, 2022 - 4:55pm / Post ID: #

Harry From Scotland

I am extremely camera shy, which has hindered me a lot in life, as I tend to ignore social functions and miss out on meeting a lot of possibly good friends. This was not always the case, and in my younger days I used to enjoy going out to clubs, and large raves which were a big thing in Scotland back in the day. The Rezerections were especially legendary.

However I digress, and as I am looking forward to playing ROKII and any other Role-playing Game's that may be available I thought I would put a face to my name. Not easy when you are fast approaching 50! Wow, even writing that is a shock to the system.

I have wrote elsewhere about some of my past experiences in my youth, and how my discovery of Dungeons & Dragons (Actually it was a little known RPG called Dragon Warriors which was my first taste of pen and paper RPG), was to change my life forever. I was only 10, and just entering High School (In Scotland we have primary school for 7 years before starting High School, which goes onto at least 4rth year, when students turn 16 and can either leave or elect to do a 5th and 6th year). I choose to stay on, which is mostly required if you want to go to University, despite a certain cabal of teachers that tried to get me to leave. I won't go into it here, but because I did not come from the 'nice' area, it was frowned on that I should get to do a degree, and was even told by other teachers of this. Their intimadation tactics never worked, and I was able to go to Edinburgh Napier University and a BA in Publishing. Which is kind of ironic as the internet made a lot of it obsolete after graduation!

So, being raised catholic in a staunchly protestant area of Scotland (Check out the rivalry between Celtic and Rangers football clubs and you will get an idea of how bigoted and violent it used to be. I was used to being accosted by actual gangs of boys older than me. However, it was in my imagination and these games, that I would find my escape. In doing so, I created a fantasy world, all mapped out in hex paper, and soon I had other players take notice, and from there we formed our own little band. (Not so little in the end as even some of the bullies got involved). Thankfully I hit puberty, and became quite notorious for being able to handle myself. Dozens of streetfights and kickings will teach you that. I would also recommend any of you with kids not to waste time with Karate or Tae Kwon Do, they might help with fitness, but these are useless in a real fight. Try to get them into boxing. It will keep them fit, and install discipline. Also if they are ever attacked, they will be able to handle themselves.

Rather off topic, but...
In ROKII, I think I would like to try out a paladin. I have two in mind. Kettleford, and Cardick Cardigal. I think Cardick is the epitome of what a medieval paladin would be. Thinking he is acting on the behest of his God/Goddess or High Power, when in actual fact he may be doing more damage than good. You see, in his eyes, cutting off the hands of a thief who robs the store of vital supplies is a severe but just punishment. He would argue that the villagers would go hungry in the winter months. However, he seems to lack empathy as he doesn't take into account that the thief was a starving orphan, who had no shelter or food for days on end.

Kettleford on the other hand, is a warrior who strives always to do the right thing. He is somewhat embarrassed of his noble roots (His father being a minor lord), and if possible he will hide this fact from anyone he encounters. To him, the aristocracy and their lavish ways are an affront when times are hard and people go hungry. I'm not sure if Kettleford is pious enough to follow the path of the paladin however, so maybe a warrior would suit him better?

Harry From Scotland
Harry From Scotland (Hover)

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6th Aug, 2022 - 5:52pm / Post ID: #

Scotland Harry

Kettleford cool pic You sound like an interesting kind of guy so I'm going to suggest that you go to this link Source 6a and start reading how to play the game.

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