If you are a celestial being and all of your junk DNA is activated, I wonder if it is really your own DNA that creates life on your worlds. Beings as how all of the necessary codes for spiders to Elephants and all forms of life are already in your DNA.
Would the world you created in the after life actually come from you and your spouse?
Are the things that god creates actually engineered from his own genetic information?
Just a very strange thought on the matter.
Name: Kenney
Comments: I think that our spirits do contain, for lack of a better term, genetic information. I also feel that not only do we contain genetic information from our heavenly fathers spirit but that we inherit spiritual DNA from both of our physical parents as well and that this will be not only how we will be able to link our ancestry back to Adam but also link us back to our original body in the flesh in the time of the resurrection.
...but also link us back to our original body in the flesh in the time of the resurrection. |
Name: Kenney
Comments: Our body is of the earth and as such will return to the earth. Our Original, or for clarification, and in some cases could even be considered are new body, will be the Original Physical design that god intended for us. This may not necessarily be the one we are originally born with but it'll be the one that most closely resembles the same characteristics as our spirit. Therefore, I believe that because of the Blood of Christ which was spilled upon the earth that an actual link was made linking our bodies and spirits together. Come the time for us to be resurrected every physical part of our body that we inherited at birth, no matter what state it is in after death will be restored to it's original design at the time of death, except in a perfect and glorified state. This to is hard to fathom since our spirit is eternal and therefore because of this link everything we do to ourselves in the flesh will be reflected upon in the spirit, Hence the need for a saviour to scrub out any spiritual junk DNA in order to purify ourselves to return to live with our Heavenly Father.