Neocon And Mormon, Is It Possible?

Neocon Mormon Possible - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 6th Sep, 2008 - 2:58am

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27th Aug, 2008 - 6:12pm / Post ID: #

Neocon And Mormon, Is It Possible?

I am Curious.
Considering some of the comments concerning Neo-conservatives and/or Conservatives, do you consider it possible to be a diehard Neocon or Conservative and be a good Christian and member of the Church?

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Post Date: 28th Aug, 2008 - 11:23pm / Post ID: #

Neocon And Mormon, Is It Possible?
A Friend

Possible It Mormon Neocon

I haven't heard to much against Neocons besides what I have said. Most of the church are Neocons. The Republican party used to be good. Following a group that does not uphold the ethics and values of the Lds church is wrong. I consider myself conservative/libertarian. Bush is not conservative he just appears to be. He is a puppet for a Nazi/socialist agenda, and we all know how the prophets feel about that. We have only lost more of our freedom since he has been in office. People should really consider studying up on Bush the coke head before comparing him to Captain Moroni.

Before you get to sensitive about things remember that you are a majority in the church. I am the minority.

I am not going to give an opinion about people that support Gadianton Robbers. I don't think that Neocons in the church even know what is going on. I don't believe they are bad at all. I just think they are to loyal to a group that does not deserve it.

Remember that Bush comes from a group called the Skull and Bones. Sounds like a good Christian name. They do not represent the real Republic.

That is just my 2 cents.

Added later: The sad thing is that there are a whole lot of people smarter than me and they just don't have the courage to face this lie. Have the courage Brother. This is what we have all been bread for. Study it. Fight it. We fought Satan before we came here. Are we fighters, or do boys to Babylon's bidding?

I would like to go back to the Father with some dignity. Do you think that some sheep herders from across the world took our free agency?

Reconcile Edited: Quasar on 29th Aug, 2008 - 4:44am

31st Aug, 2008 - 8:07pm / Post ID: #

Neocon And Mormon, Is It Possible? Studies Doctrine Mormon

Yes Neocons can by Mormon. As Quasar says many are. Yes Bush is a neocon. But I do not hink that he is a Nazi/Socialist. (That is kind of an oxymoron since Nazi's and socialist are on the opposite end of the political spectrum. How can you be a facist if you are a socialist?) facism is closer to conservationism then socialism.

We have only lost more of our freedom since he has been in office. People should really consider studying up on Bush the coke head before comparing him to Captain Moroni.

Well war does this to free nations. How do you balance safety with freedom. Which is the greater virtue? This is not a new thing, we have been asking these questions for a pretty long time. Personally I think Capt. Moroni is a lot like Bush. And that is not a complement for Capt. Moroni. I am not to high on him as a BOM hero. There is a lot of concerns I have with him. (but that is for another thread.)

Remember that Bush comes from a group called the Skull and Bones. Sounds like a good Christian name. They do not represent the real Republic.

Nothing but a school fraternity. I can think of a lot of things I devised in college that should not be taken too seriously. But the only thing good about this is that it will make a good Dan Brown novel.

I personally do not agree with Neo cons, I am a social Democrat, so I feel that they ignore a lot of gospel in the name of greed I mean free enterprise and capitalism.

Post Date: 1st Sep, 2008 - 3:54am / Post ID: #

Neocon And Mormon, Is It Possible?
A Friend

Possible It Mormon Neocon

But I do not hink that he is a Nazi/Socialist. (That is kind of an oxymoron since Nazi's and socialist are on the opposite end of the political spectrum. How can you be a facist if you are a socialist?) facism is closer to conservationism then socialism.

What? The Nazi's started out as Socialists. National socialist German workers' party means Nazi.

Depending on who the scholar is trying to explain it. I could see it coming from the left or right. It all ends up the same.

Well war does this to free nations.

War more often than not has been used to enslave nations.

Personally I think Capt. Moroni is a lot like Bush. And that is not a complement for Capt. Moroni. I am not to high on him as a BOM hero. There is a lot of concerns I have with him. (but that is for another thread.)

I can see how someone like Moroni should scare a Social Democrat such as yourself. Because these are the type of blood sucking secret combinations that he was trying to destroy. I love the Captain. Perhaps you should save your words for him in the after life.

Nothing but a school fraternity. I can think of a lot of things I devised in college that should not be taken too seriously. But the only thing good about this is that it will make a good Dan Brown novel.

Did you join a group in college that Made you masturbate in a coffin while you told the group your sickest sins and darkest secrets?

And later on did you give your allegiance to a dark god while an occult mock sacrifice (it is a gateway to other things you know) was performed? Maybe worse.

Just kids having fun I guess. Most of them become major leaders in our country and never disclose what they did in that group (secret). And later in life they stay well connected (combination). Sounds like a secret combination to me.

Are these some of the things you devised in College?

NeoCons, Social Dems all start at the same source.

You all have so many things in common. 1 thing is that you will elect different puppets that will make the same decisions.

Reconcile Edited: Quasar on 1st Sep, 2008 - 8:17am

6th Sep, 2008 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

Possible It Mormon Neocon

Did you join a group in college that Made you masturbate in a coffin while you told the group your sickest sins and darkest secrets?

No I have not. But I doubt that will make or break someone from taking over the world. Besides I have heard of worse in some of my friends frat houses.

Just kids having fun I guess. Most of them become major leaders in our country and never disclose what they did in that group (secret). And later in life they stay well connected (combination). Sounds like a secret combination to me.

Is it because they are skulls and bones or is it that they are at Yale, and Yale produces a lot of world leaders, skull and bones or not.

Are these some of the things you devised in College?

If I did would that scare you? I devised a lot of things in college, but so does most everyone.

What? The Nazi's started out as Socialists. National socialist German workers' party means Nazi.

I am not to sure where you are coming from? Nazi's are fascists. They are on the right side of the spectrum. National socialist German worker's party was not a socialist movement. The national socialist is referring to a nationalistic ethnic racial solidarity. Hitler was not a Marx fan. Remember Jews were socialist in Europe, Hitler was not a socialist.

I can see how someone like Moroni should scare a Social Democrat such as yourself. Because these are the type of blood sucking secret combinations that he was trying to destroy. I love the Captain. Perhaps you should save your words for him in the after life.

Oh yeah I forgot that the BOM said that capt. Moroni was a capitalist republican conservative and would raise a banner to against universal health care.
If you want I will give you an invite to our next secret combinations meeting it should be fun. We are talking about the new 666 micro chips.

My political affiliation is not my reason for my reservations about Capt. Moroni. It s the violence and he willingness to kill people who did not join him to fight as he raised his banner. As Hugh Nibley said nationalism and patriotism is a dangerous thing. It is not a political issue. I have a good friend who is a libertarian much like you, and is an attorney who has the same reservations as me about capt. Moroni. I would thought being a libertarian that this would bother you as well.

Reconcile Message Edited...
LDS_forever: Fixed quote tags/

Post Date: 6th Sep, 2008 - 2:58am / Post ID: #

Neocon And Mormon, Is It Possible?
A Friend

Neocon And Mormon, Is It Possible?

Believe what you like I53. Socialists, commies, nazis, marxists, dems, reps, fascists, etc. are all the same to me.

As I stated before it depends on what scholar you are brainwashed by. There is this big division of Dems an Reps in america. Their fruits are the same. Sure they fight each other, but when their center is attacked they come together.

The banker and corporations run things. The elections now are just a popularity contest. It is a joke.

No I have not. But I doubt that will make or break someone from taking over the world. Besides I have heard of worse in some of my friends frat houses.

Yah I have heard of some bad stuff to. I used to bouncer at a bar. They did some fairly ugly things to drunk girls. I don't like frat boys. You a frat boy?

Maybe you were just slumming it for a while.

If I did would that scare you?

Want to find out?

I am not to sure where you are coming from? Nazi's are fascists. They are on the right side of the spectrum. National socialist German worker's party was not a socialist movement. The national socialist is referring to a nationalistic ethnic racial solidarity.

There is some actual truth to this, but it did have the same ingredients as the socialists party to start with. Isn't it funny that one is disguised in another, or one leads to another, or this and that are the same. It is all one of the same mess, or different parts if you like.

It all takes the basic freedoms of an individual and makes them no better than a slave. It is all the same.

Truth be known Hitler was a eugenicist and used what ever party he could to obtain power for his agenda. Social democrats during that time were considered Communists. He even played the marxists.

Oh yeah I forgot that the BOM said that capt. Moroni was a capitalist republican conservative and would raise a banner to against universal health care.

Caption moroni was a free man that did not like killing. He desired his nation to be free of tyrants.
He fought as a last resort to free and preserve his people. In my opinion you need to go back and study the situation more.

It s the violence and he willingness to kill people who did not join him to fight as he raised his banner. As Hugh Nibley said nationalism and patriotism is a dangerous thing. It is not a political issue. I have a good friend who is a libertarian much like you, and is an attorney who has the same reservations as me about capt. Moroni. I would thought being a libertarian that this would bother you as well.

Nationalism and patriotism are dangerous things. We think that we are being Patriotic by killing foreign civilians right now for no reason.

I would say that your good friend is confused about some things. And you mistake libertarians for liberals.

If someone invaded my country or tried to kill or harm my family or friends; I would not have a problem putting them in a grave. I don't have a problem with killing if it is for the right reasons. I have been in many physical confrontations because of this and have no problem with the splattering of blood. I am indifferent towards it. Evil people have no problem doing the same to me or others and it seams they enjoy it. I would rather avoid the whole thing personally.

Just different philosophies I guess. Goodluck with yours.

Reconcile Edited: Quasar on 6th Sep, 2008 - 3:06am

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