Why I Am Catholic - Page 3 of 3

I am Catholic for the simple fact that it’s - Page 3 - Studies of Catholicism - Posted: 8th Oct, 2023 - 5:20pm

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How long have you been Catholic? Are you an active member of the Catholic church or only on holidays, funerals and weddings?
6th Jan, 2021 - 10:45pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic - Page 3

I was going to RCIA classes about 20 yrs ago and stopped due to some layman’s opinions on politics in the classes.

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Post Date: 8th Oct, 2023 - 5:20pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic
A Friend

Catholic I Why

I am Catholic for the simple fact that it’s the only Church that goes back to Christ and His apostles. Catholic teachings are found all throughout the Bible and the earliest Fathers of the Church taught things that the Catholic Church teaches. Plain and simple, Catholicism = Christianity. Every other sect is man-made and thus doesn’t come from Christ.

I am furthermore a traditional Catholic of the sedevacantist position because I recognize that the religion of Vatican II is not really Catholic, but a false sect that God has allowed to deceive the nations as the prophesied great apostasy that Our Lord and St. Paul talked about. John 23rd through Francis were and are all heretical modernist antipopes because of what they did and have done and what they teach and have taught.

Reconcile Edited: Wesley on 8th Oct, 2023 - 5:22pm

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