I was thinking of turning the whole thing over on their heads but I did not want to send the wrong message to the little kid. I want the child to be able to look at my actions and know that while I could stop them from acting this way I chose not too. Thus hopefully preventing the child from growing up with a violent heart.
"Chuckling, Your point is very true. Not having children I some times forget about that."
Speaking to Mariah, "How are you feeling now?"
Just then the train slows down and then stops. The couple leaves the cabin and gets off with pompous looks on their faces.
GM: You have arrived at five pages. Please proceed to vote!
Results for this game:
Most True to Life Character: (2 luck points)
Krakyn I
Most Funny Character: (1 luck point)
LDS_forever I
Most Involved: (1 luck point)
KNtoran I
Each person won a category! Thanks for participating. Luck points added!
Look out for the new unique scenario to be created.