"Mr. Jonathan, that's for the Judge to decide, sir. So far, all points out to lots of inconsistencies".
Your honor we can see that Jonathan is lying. He even refers to himself as Jasper, who is Jasper? Maybe he smoked something before coming to court today. You should order that he be tested for competency in court.
Your Honor it seems like I've stumped everyone with my eye witness statements so I humbly submit my position and rest my case.
GM: I am closing this game early.
Judge Judy looks at all of you and then says,
"Do you see 'STUPID' written on my forehead?"
In a stern voice she continues,
"I think this the worst bologna I've heard in my 40 years of sitting in the chair."
She shakes her head and mentions that she will take into consideration your testimonies and make a decision after a couple of aspirin from listening to this nonsense.
* Game Over *
Everyone proceed to vote. I will update this Thread with the results and only award half point to the winner.
And the winner is...
All votes are finally in and here is the tally:
LDS_forever II
Thomaslee I
Krusten I
Since this ended at five pages instead of 10 only 5 points will be awarded to LDS_forever.
Scenario Closed