Why I Am Christian

Why Christian - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 27th Mar, 2022 - 12:26pm

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Followers of Jesus Christ can share their feelings about why and when they became converted to Christianity.
Post Date: 20th Aug, 2012 - 6:44pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Christian

Why I Am Christian

All Christians can use this Thread to tell about their feelings for Jesus Christ and the Christian movement.

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5th Nov, 2012 - 5:34pm / Post ID: #

Christian I Why

I accept Jesus as my savior, as the only one that can save my soul from the clutches of the devil... That's why I'm Christian.

Post Date: 12th Feb, 2015 - 12:57pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Why I Am Christian Revealed Bible The

A majority of Christians believe God has called them to care for the world

The tale of the shift from dominion to stewardship thinking among Christians covers centuries of church history. Ref. Source 9

Post Date: 12th Feb, 2017 - 4:48pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Christian
A Friend

Christian I Why

Why am I a cristian. Well I know that through study of the Bible I have found that god hasa lot to say. I find a lot of it to be very interesting. I have studied more than one type of religion but I still find me coming back to Christianity. The following of Jesus tells me what is needed and therefore I tend to follow his teachings. I know I am not a perfect person but he has helped me. I just hope that I can help the many view the people of this earth as good people and they need to be saved.

12th Feb, 2017 - 5:01pm / Post ID: #

Christian I Why

For myself, at least initially because of being still yet a teenager, it was because of the example of my father and seeing how he changed his lift around.

You see for much of my young life before becoming a teen I did not have a steady home, morning between my mother and father though for much of the time staying with my paternal grandmother because either of my parents could take care of me. My mother having given full custody to my father as well not handling the stress initially, and my father because of a drug issue.

Yet when my father met my stepmother, who was LDS and wishing to marry her, he was told that she would only marry him in the Temple. As such, he stopped smoking, drinking, and doing drugs and apart from a setback with smoking he was able to be baptized and become temple worthy.

Because of the change of my father, of his willingness to completely change his life around for the better and then taking me in to provided me with a steady home,I was willing to join the church as well.

It was throughthisthat should I begin reading the Bible more, praying, and generally growing closer to God with my faith in Jesus Christ growing. I even when on a mission, though it was only for a year, and an eagle scout.

22nd Apr, 2017 - 4:15am / Post ID: #

Why I Am Christian

I grew up in the church, so I didn't know much about the alternatives when I was younger. As I got older though, I saw a lot of my friends and the anxiety and stress they felt about what I thought were trivial things. I realized that I felt this sort of security in my upbringing, although I wasn't sure why. As I aged, I realized it was because of Jesus that I was able to feel this. My life on this Earth isn't important. My true worth isn't given by the wealth I gain here, but rather my worth in heaven given by Christ alone. I don't believe in "Religion", as I feel it is more of a relationship. I offer him my entire being, I am not important. I realize that no amount of good works I do will ever be enough to measure up to the perfect standard he holds me to. But as long as I recognize his power and authority, he forgives me despite my shortcomings. No other being is as merciful as my God. THAT is why I'm a Christian.

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6th Apr, 2020 - 1:35pm / Post ID: #

Why I Christian

It's not so much as why I am a Christian but how I became a Christian. I didn't grow up in a religious home nor did I have any exposure to the Bible or church or anything to that nature. I grew up in a dysfunctional family-father was an alcoholic, abusive, and my parents separated when I was young. Raised by my mother, we were poor, moved around a lot and the only acceptance I ended up finding in school was from the outcast, party, crowd. Needless to say, I grew up living the exact same lifestyle my my father did-sex, drugs, and rock and roll. The only difference was that I wasn't violent. In fact, I'd say I was pretty laid back, a fun drunk-live and let live was my motto. I got along with everyone. Most would say I was a pretty good guy and that's what I thought about myself. I fathered three children, married, had two more. And then, because of excessive adultery on both our parts, we divorced. I say all that to paint a picture as to where I was in life and who I was in life. I was not a good person, nor did a live a moral clean life, nor was I looking for someone to save me from the hardships in my life. I was actually content in my wicked ways. After my divorce, I remarried. She was beautiful, had a good head on her shoulders and I thought she was the one to straighten me out. But, I was still who I was and it wasn't long before I sank back into my old ways. Now, here's where things truly change. I truly change. I'd been laid off from my job and so while my wife went to work for eight hours each day, I locked myself in my basement and went to work on writing a novel. My aspirations at that time was to become the next Stephen King or Dean Koonz. I loved horror, anything dark, and demonic. And, I had set my sights on making a living delving into it. Then.... About a quarter way through, my main character says something derogative about Christians. It was so out of place, and something I wasn't expecting to come off the page, that I stopped typing and pondered my characters motives for expressing such a thought. That led to the realization that that's how I felt about Christians, and the Bible, and God, and all that mumbo jumbo. But, I also realized I'd never actually read the Bible. Every opinion I had was either from t.v or hearsay. So, I decided I would read the Bible, find all the holes and lies, because surely, that's what it was filled with. And if any of those Christian wacko's ever came to my door I would dethrone their God and use their own book to do it. So, looking around the house and just happening to find a Bible-that we never bought. (I guess my wife had packed her sisters childhood Bible in her stuff when we moved in together- not that they were religious, but they had gone to church when they were little-hows that for providence!) Anyway, I opened it up to the book of John and that's where I met the true Jesus of the Bible. He, nor this book, was anything like what I had thought. The Word of God penetrated my heart. As I read, I knew every word was truth. I knew and believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Savior of the world. I knew that I was sinner, that I was a rebel against God and every choice in my life was in direct rebellion to Him and yet he had sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for me, to take my punishment and His Father's wrath that I deserved, that I had earned by my wickedness, upon himself. He, the sinless perfect Son of God, died in my place. And then, God raised Him. Jesus lived and still does, and I knew it. I cried out for Him to save me. Right then I changed. I was a new creature. I was a different person. And though I hadn't read it in the Bible yet, didn't even know it said that, I knew it in my soul. I knew I was His. I knew He loved me and I knew my life was never going to be the same. The desire for drugs and alcohol, and even the foul words that I habitually spoke, were gone. My life has never been the same since. I expressed my faith to my wife, who, though she didn't know Jesus as her Savior, was open to the existence of God. Through time, and exposure to the Word of God, she came to faith in Jesus, as well. We now have three children of our own. They have been raised in the church and all have expressed faith in Christ. And to this day God has been faithful in keeping us. Though we may sin from time to time, we have never faltered in our belief and faith in Christ. And, by His grace alone, we never will. And so, why am I a Christian? Because He sought me, because He opened my eyes, because He saved me and He keeps me. All glory and honor be to our precious, wonderful, perfect, and mighty, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the Son of God, Jesus the Christ!

Reconcile Edited: Reantczak on 6th Apr, 2020 - 1:42pm

27th Mar, 2022 - 12:26pm / Post ID: #

Why I Christian The Bible Revealed

I am a Christian because I believe the Christian religion to have the most evidence for its validation. The Christian religion is based on the character of the Christ: a character that fulfilled the prophecies of his coming and his life. Worldwide, Christ is heralded for the testimony that he lived before God. The testimony of his life lives on to this day, giving credit to his impact on history…

> TOPIC: Why I Am Christian


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