Al Sharpton
Sharpton's dream: more caskets?
The Reverend Al Sharpton has been spending a lot of time in recent days saying that Glenn is distorting Martin Luther King's dream. That's interesting, because 10 years ago on the anniversary of the 'I have a dream' speech, Sharpton made an appearance. At the Lincoln Memorial. With the Black Panthers. What was his dream? Hint: it involves caskets and cops. Glenn has more on radio today. Ref. Source 1
Al Sharpton (Hover)
Sharpton: Rush can say what he wants...except
The Reverend Al Sharpton is the latest in a long line of lefties to call for some form of the fairness doctrine - that must be what he's saying because he wants Rush Limbaugh off the air immediately because he might 'offend' someone. It's the kind of policy that would make Hugo Chavez proud - but it's also just a really stupid point. Glenn has the audio of yet another lefty who can't compete on the battlefield of ideas and resorts to silencing opponents. Ref. Source 1