Which Is The True God?
Name: Ziter
Comments: There are so many gods of the world, which is the correct god and what proof do you have? Is it: Vishnu/Krishna (Hindu), Nirankar (Sikh), Yahweh (Judaism), Elohim (Mormon), Allah (Islam), Jehovah (Jehovah's Witnesses), Jesus (Christian), Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrian), or the Horned God (Wicca)?
The King James Bible acknowledges the only true God as Jehovah. Jesus also says that there is only one true God.{Psalms 83:18; John 17:3)
Identifying the Only True God
I think no one really knows who is god or what is out there. Just think most people are measuring something they say is so powerful based on an old book, a tradition or just a story. With each century that goes by religions change their take on just who or what god is and in the end they don't know.