There will be improvements to this Skin as time goes by, I have also corrected the "My Assistant" dark background. Should you find more please send me an Email. The main reason I did not add Charm was because I did not want it to confuse or intimidate New Members just as was done purposely in the Bare Bones Skin.
Not sure what to think of the lay out yet. I love the colors and the art work, its simply wonderful how much a talent you are web wise JB.
I will have to get used to the info box being different, but I really like he ads being out to the side. I am going to leave it on this skin for a while and see how I like it after a couple weeks.
Although I like the Mormonite skin but I have to say I love the Red Indian Skin too. Why? some may ask..I love the fact that it portrays some distinct characters of what is/was important to these people...balancing family, heritage, culture and their environment in their lives. Edited: sese on 4th Jun, 2006 - 9:14pm
After using this indian skin for a while, I really like it. I love having the ads on the left hand side instead of having everything spread out through the thread. However, it would be nice if the peoples name was slightly larger, I often miss it and have to look for it unless they have a face attached for their avatar which I already know.
New Skin
I have created a new Skin called, "Plain" and you will of course see why when you use it. All the drama of the Community has been taken out even down to the colors. For a long time I have pushed 'features', but the fact it is... not many use them nor Upgrade, so it is more profitable for us to push Ads, and you will notice they are more noticeable at the top of the Plain Skin.
Of course users can revert to any Skin of their choosing, the Plain one will however be the default. As a starting procedure all users on the default Indian Skin have been moved to the Plain Skin.