I updated the poll for the new Skin: 'Silver Blue'.
I decided to keep all the Skins and instead recode them so that I could update all of them on the fly. All the links are in the same place and can be updated each day without anyone wondering where to find something.
Everything is clearer now so you can dive into Topics without being bogged down by clutter - you can say I am using the KISS principle here.
You will notice a couple of things missing like chat notification and themes, I will add those back, but it is not a priority now.
Skins Update Completed
It took one and half days of constant work, recoding and touching up each Skin one by one until all of them were completed. I really felt like I was going out of my mind with the amount of characters and graphics with which I had to work.
Each Skin now has a menu and panel that I can update using one script whereas I would have to do this one by one. The biggest benefit is simplicity... no one is bogged down by a mass set of links taking up loads of room - everyone knows where to get the links, because they are all in the same place no matter which Skin you use. You will also notice that the theme choices have been emphasized more so you can adjust the feel of everything.
So What Are The Features
1. Two drop down link menus: one with the major links and the other with the fun stuff maybe not used very often.
2. Quick links located to the left of the drop down menus
3. Search field to the right - everything in one bar
4. Chat panel now small and neat - it shares the same space with the logo
5. All the mass links associated with the bottom of every page has been removed.
6. Everything will now load faster than ever
Thins To Bring Back?
One thing I removed was the flash ticker, because I could not update it fast enough, however if I were to bring it back I would just use one type to facilitate all the Skins, but I suspect no one misses it.
Okay, now feedback is welcomed. (Note: You should refresh / clear your browser cache to ensure you are looking at the most up to date version of the Skin)
Plain Skin - New Stuff
Since the Plain Skin is the first Skin that a New Member sees, and since they are usually lost I have made the following changes:
1. Page numbers are HUGE!
2. Ever post gives the option to change Avatar, check Shop or Change Skin
3. You can now see the date and names of who made a Post in the Forum index as well as the actual Topic
The Shiv Shakti Skin is now known as the Dance Skin and has been changed to reflect that.