Hello all! I came across the Future Earth RPG website after perusing several role playing sites, and I am impressed and attracted by the seriousness of this site. I enjoyed reading the requirements to play (and hope I eventually meet them). While I am not new to role playing, I have been out of it for a while, and I've never engaged in a "Play by Post" game.
I am hoping to participate in an interesting story that will challenge my creativity. While I consider myself a good writer, I don't think I'm particularly skilled at creative writing. I am looking forward to interacting with characters that will inspire me, and I hope I can add to the story. I appreciate the opportunity to join the game and interact with each of you. I also appreciate your patience as I learn the Future Earth system.
Welcome Future RPGer
We are glad that you have taken the time to register. To become an RPGer here is very simple:
1. Post 30 Constructive messages anywhere in the Community thus proving you are capable of good Play by Post participation.The easiest way to do this is to Post in Topics that interest you.
2. After making 30 Posts request RPG status here, your Introduction Thread. Make sure your activity level is 75% or above. The activity level is to ensure that you are not one of those types that joins and then expect to play after days or weeks on inactivity.
3. Create your Future Earth character.
You can find all the details of other role-playing games within our RPG Page. You may also find the following links of help to you:
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