Go easy Play By Post. I simply pointed out what it *seemed* like. If that is factually incorrect, then it is factually incorrect. I assume I would figure that out eventually. I find your reaction strange to what must be an uninformed opinion about something with little consequence.
I'm not *worried* about the posts, I was just pointing out what I needed to do in a place that I am unfamiliar with. As for activity, it doesn't seem strange that mine should fall as I look around and see where I fit in. Apparently, if I just post willy nilly, I run the risk of a "Maybe you need to settle with Dungeons & Dragons" type response. Why waste your time making such an unhelpful and unfriendly post (unless you are secretly trying to help boost my post count, which places me in your debt as I now only need 26!)?
Hi Zinsser! I didn't welcome you before because you seemed to be well taken care of after joining. I read play by post's message and I don't think he was trying to be unhelpful or unfriendly, if you look back in this thread you will see he was one of the first to actually help you answer your questions. He is just pointing out that if you don't get both your activity and post number at a higher level then you will be limited only to the role-playing games that do not have this requirement re: Dungeons & Dragons. No one is obligated to keep their activity high nor to post anything they don't want to.