Work out harder not longer to boost heart health
Faster footsteps equal a healthier heart. Working out harder instead of longer could be the secret to warding off metabolic syndrome (MS), a combination of risk factorswhich include obesity and high blood pressurethat increase your risk for cardiovascular disease.
Source: NBCNews.com: Health
Overcoming Metabolic Syndrome (Hover)
Eating right and getting enough sleep is one thing but the human body needs a good workout every now and again to get the blood flowing to every part of the body. Exercise 'shocks' the body do when you do it the body prepares itself for the next time you shock it by becoming more efficient.
Long naps, daytime sleepiness tied to greater risk of metabolic syndrome
Taking long naps or being excessively tired during the day is associated with a higher risk for developing metabolic syndrome, according to a new study. Ref. Source 5w.
The Muffin Study: Mono- vs. Polyunsaturated fats in patients with metabolic syndrome
A batch of muffins, made with a special recipe formulated by the US Department of Agriculture, yielded unexpected health benefits in patients with metabolic syndrome during a first-of-its-kind clinical study. The study compared polyunsaturated fats with monounsaturated fats as a substitute for saturated fats. Muffins made with polyunsaturated fats were more effective for dietary management in the metabolic syndrome. Ref. Source 4j.
Expanding waistlines and metabolic syndrome: Researchers warn of new 'silent killer'
For decades, American waistlines have been expanding and there is increasing cause for alarm. Researchers now make the case that metabolic syndrome -- a cluster of three of more risk factors that include abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, abnormal lipids, and insulin resistance, a precursor of type 2 diabetes -- is the new 'silent killer,' analogous to hypertension in the 1970s. Ref. Source 1e.
Metabolic syndrome patients need more vitamin C to break cycle of antioxidant depletion. A higher intake of vitamin C is crucial for metabolic syndrome patients trying to halt a potentially deadly cycle of antioxidant disruption and health-related problems, a researcher says. Source 8z.
Nanovaccine boosts immunity in sufferers of metabolic syndrome. A new class of biomaterial developed by researchers for an infectious disease nanovaccine effectively boosted immunity in mice with metabolic disorders linked to gut bacteria -- a population that shows resistance to traditional flu and polio vaccines. Source 7j.