I understand can be touching somehow, but in my opinion it makes little difference if the kid had to wait in the car or at home watching tv. In any case I think that "Planned Parenthood" should mean using a condom to avoid undesired pregnancy. With few exceptions, such as the victims of rapes, a woman is guilty if she practices abortion. If everybody killed their babies at whim, probably I would never be born and many others also.
Of course it makes a difference! The child was only 3-4 years old! How irresponsible, it shows what kind of parent she is leaving her child there to go get rid of another one.
Would it be more responsible if she left the child at home alone? Probably it would be even more dangerous. The problem is that, with personal freedom and emancipation, we got also the back side of the medal: people is not willing to face the consequences of their actions and most of us look for the easy way, enjoying the rights while neglecting the duties. That's true for women and for men. I had fun last night but I'm pregnant: why my life has to become more difficult? Or: My wife is not interesting anymore and the kids take away my spare time. Better spend the weekend, and all the money, with the new secretary or getting drunk with my friends.
I'm sticking to the facts and, actually, just following a simple reasoning. If this mom had somebody that could take care of the child, she would not bring him/her along. So she probably had only two choices: in the car or at home alone. Somebody knew that the child was in the car, if not we would not read this news. Specially if something went wrong, her child was probably safer in the car. This way of reasoning could be wrong, since our informations are incomplete, but is the most logical.