Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval - Page 7 of 21

Medium encumbrance: movement 20ft (x4 if running), - Page 7 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 7th Dec, 2012 - 2:06am

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6th Dec, 2012 - 4:37pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval - Page 7

The gods are all expression of the majority: the humans. This is mainly because the list is not complete yet. The gods disappeared during the cataclysm. Many died in the struggle to save Bumi from destruction. My idea was: since the gods are silent, I'll start without them and make them reveal themselves little by little during the game. But my first player made a paladin, which MUST have a god, and he had to create one by himself (iCon created Felnuus). Ok, I thought, we need gods. Since the first adventure is in The Empire, the main human nation, I posted the gods worshipped by humans. Ok, enough for the explanation. If you think about a healer, Eger is by far the best and I doubt that anybody else will ever choose her. Just find a reason, in your background, why you worship a human goddess.

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Post Date: 6th Dec, 2012 - 6:40pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval
A Friend

Approval Character and Questions Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros

Questions and add-on's:

So what skills, spells, and/or other do I need to change on the previously posted proposal of a character sheet, before I can inter game?

Can I get a long thick hooded road added to her travailing gear? and how much coin should I subtract for it?

And, under languages is it alright to spend my last point on Aquarin or Giant?

From Eger's Domains I will take "healing" and "Protection".

Back Story:
Anntreen was a bit young to leave her mixed family whom had made there home in one of the city states of the Confederation of Realms. her berth mother Karena had died along a go and her father Trenton re-marred a human woman Lora whom was a gilding influence on Anntreen for most of her life, so much so that as Anntreen became more invested in the one skill she was good at, witch was that of healing, she adopted a human god to fallow in her path of becoming a cleric.

her father wishes she would of stayed at home with them as her mother quickly ages, however Anntreen began her travels early and is not quit the age of Adulthood among the pure elf race's concern. If she was looked at as a human her outward age appearance resembles that of a 16 to 18 year old, even tho shes is over nearly (fill in age just under that of adult hood in pure elf's)

Perhaps a bit to zealous she packed up a backpack with supply , as well her life savings and, took with her only a dagger and staff mostly for use as a walking stick and and as a tool... She has never had to use a "Weapon" for combat before and has normally stayed as far out of trouble as she could being an only child of her fathers 1st wife. how ever in the years that fallowed she has 2 half sisters Annabella and Shana whom are still far to young to leave home, so off she went traveling on her own.

She bartered her way working as a medic for caravans of solders and merchants with no care or concern, in order to travel from the border of the Confederation of Realms east in to the Empire, at the border she was able to pass as a cleric on pilgrimage with little fuss, and running low on rations and coin has just arrived in (fill in city name with where ever the campaign is starting at) she has given it careful consideration weather she wanted to find work in a temple or take a more hands on approach of applying her skill and attempting to join a band of would be heroes , and has decided on the applied skills rout looking for guidance from her goddess for whom needs her skills the most.

6th Dec, 2012 - 7:24pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval Archive Pathfinder / D&D

You can choose one of those languages, no problem. You can also choose your age, height and weight or I can do it for you if you prefer. The features are ok but you have too many skills. Your character starts with 20 skill points. Your class skills (those listed in the Cleric class description) cost 1 point per rank while all the others, considered cross-class skills, cost 2 points per rank. You can have in each skill a maximum number of ranks equal to 3+your current level, that means 4. This doesn't include the modifiers so the final value can be higher, but you can't spend more than 4 points per skill. Equipment: new characters can take all the standard equipment they want for free (except armor that must be a padded armor) and start with 5 silver and 5 copper pieces. Don't forget your holy symbol.

Post Date: 6th Dec, 2012 - 8:01pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval
A Friend

Page 7 Approval Character and Questions Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros

I will take all this info in to account and re-do my sheet so its ready as a final draft at some point today.

Thank you for all the info, and help!

I have 3 more questions,

Whats carrying capacity for my character with strength of 11?
Would a mount count as standard equipment such as a horse?
And can I get a physical description of what my gods holy symbol looks like, such as I'm guessing its not a symbol of an eye or a cross or any weapons representation, but what would it look like with in your world?

Post Date: 6th Dec, 2012 - 10:17pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval
A Friend

Approval Character and Questions Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros

Level 1 cleric proposal Draft 2

Character: Anntreen
Player: KittenPunk

Class: Cleric
Level: 1
Race: elf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion: Eger
Experience: 0
Hit Points: 11
Base Attack Bonus: 0

state modifier
Strength: 11 0
Dexterity: 14 2
Constitution: 16 3
Intelligence: 17 3
Wisdom: 16 3
Charisma: 15 2

Fortitude: 2+3 =5
Reflex: 0+2 =2
Will: 2+3 =5
Initiative: 2+_ =2
Melee: 0+0 +_ = 0
Ranged: 0+2 +_ =2

Money: 5 silver and 5 copper pieces
Armor Class: 2+ 10 +1 =13


Skill (type of skill) stat type: ranks + modifier + miscellaneous =
appraise (UT) Int : 0 + 3 + ___ = 3
balance (UT) Dex : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
bluff (UT) Cha : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
climb (UT) Str : 0 + 0 + ___ = 0
concentration (UT) Con : 2 + 3 +___ = 5
craft "Wooded carvings" (UT) Int : 0 + 3 + ___ = 3
diplomacy (UT) Cha : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
disguise (UT) Cha : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
escape artist (UT) Dex : 0 + 2 +___ = 2
forgery (UT) Int : 0 + 3 +___ = 3
gather information (UT) Cha : 0 + 2 +___ = 2
handle animal (T) Cha : 1 + 2 +___ = 3
heal (UT) Wis : 2 + 3 + ___ = 5
hide (UT) Dex : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
intimidate (UT) Cha : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
jump (UT) Str : 0 + 0 + ___ = 0
knowledge arcana (T) Int : 1 + 3 + ___ = 4
knowledge history (T) Int : 1 + 3 +___ = 4
knowledge religion (T) Int : 1 + 3 +___ = 4
knowledge planes (T) Int : 1 + 3 +___ = 4
listen (UT) Wis : 1 + 3 + ___ = 4
move silently (UT) Dex : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
perform "Sing" (UT) Cha : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
ride (UT) Dex : 0 + 2 + ___ = 2
search (UT) Int : 1 + 3 + ___ = 4
sense motive (UT) Wis: 0 + 3 +___ = 3
spot (UT) Wis : 1 + 3 + ___ = 4
survival (UT) Wis: 0 + 3 + ___ = 3
swim (UT) Str : 1 + 0 + ___ = 1
tumble (T) Dex : 1 + 2 +___ = 3
use magic device (T) Cha : 1 + 2 +___ = 3
use rope (UT) Dex : 0 + 2 +___ = 2

UT = Untrained : any character can use an untrained skill even with no ranks.
Str = Strength
Dex = Dexterity
Con = Constitution
Int = Intelligence
Wis = Wisdom
Cha = Charisma

PLEASE NOTE: I did not add in the automatic ranks for race or class if there are any.

Race Skills:
Immune to sleep

Armor and Weapons:

Padded armor +1 (1)
Dagger 1d4 (1)
Quarterstaff 1d6 (1)
Sling 1d4 (1)


Backpack 2lb (1)
Bedroll 5lb (1)
Bell (4)
Blanket 3lb (1)
Block n Tackle 5lb (1)
Book Blank 1lb (1)
Caltrops 2lb (2)
Candle (10) (2)
Case (1)
Fishhook (12)
Flint/steel (2)
Ink (2)
Inkpen (2)
Lantern, hooded 2lb (1)
Mirror (1)
Oil 1lb (2)
Paper (5)
Parchment (5)
Pot, iron 10lb (1)
Rations 1lb (7)
Rope (50ft) 5lb (1)
Sack (1)
Sewing needle (6)
Vial (12)
Holy water 1lb (2)
Sunrod 1lb (1)
Thunderstone 1lb (4)
Healer's kit 1lb (1)
Holy Symbol, wood (1)
Holy Symbol, silver 1lb (1)
Hourglass 1lb (1)
Spell book 3lb (1)
Artisan's outfit 4lb (1)
Cleric's vestments 6lb (1)
Cold weather outfit 7lb (1)
Explorer's outfit 8lb (1)
Peasant's outfit 2lb (1)
Scholar's outfit 6lb (1)
Traveler's outfit 5lb (1)
= 97 LB (will edit once I know what my carrying capacity is)


armor proficiency light
armor proficiency medium
armor proficiency heavy
combat casting
shield proficiency
simple weapon proficiency
Turn undead



PLEASE NOTE: I have not filled in any Spells at all yet.

Height: 5 foot 9 inch
LBs: 175 size 14
Eyes: blue green with flecks of silver
hair: Long honey colored
Skin tone lightly tan peach
Lips: lush supple pink

A quick [..] will bring a up a image of a healer elf in green, this is how I imagine her to be.

7th Dec, 2012 - 1:37am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval

Your questions first. The holy symbol can be a pendant or any other gadget, made of wood, depicting two hands joint in a preaching attitude. No, the horse is not standard equipment. Your carrying capacity: at 38,5lb you become encumbered, at 76,5lb heavy encumbered and if you carry more then 115lb you will be unable to move. No need to list the skills in which you have 0 ranks: any character can try to use any skill unless is a skill available only for those trained in it. Your skill list should only include the skills in which you are specialized (you spent at least 1 point on them). I will only copy them, no need to post everything again. You spent 22 points. What you want to change?

Reconcile Edited: Bruconero on 7th Dec, 2012 - 1:55am

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Post Date: 7th Dec, 2012 - 1:54am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval
A Friend

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval - Page 7

Equipment: edited down

Backpack 2lb (1)
Bedroll 5lb (1)
Bell (4)
thick hooded robe
Block n Tackle 5lb (1)
Book Blank 1lb (1)
Caltrops 2lb (2)
Candle (10) (2)
Case (1)
Fishhook (12)
Flint/steel (2)
Ink (2)
Inkpen (2)
Lantern, hooded 2lb (1)
Mirror (1)
Oil 1lb (2)
Paper (5)
Parchment (5)
Rations 1lb (7)
Rope (50ft) 5lb (1)
Sack (1)
Sewing needle (6)
Vial (12)
Holy water 1lb (2)
Sunrod 1lb (1)
Thunderstone 1lb (4)
Healer's kit 1lb (1)
Holy Symbol, wood (1)
Hourglass 1lb (1)
Spell book 3lb (1)
Artisan's outfit 4lb (1)
Cleric's vestments 6lb (1)
Cold weather outfit 7lb (1)
Explorer's outfit 8lb (1)
Scholar's outfit 6lb (1)
Traveler's outfit 5lb (1)
= 69 LB

[When] incumbered she moves slower right but that's about it?

[Most] the items are shoved in the back pack her coins in one her belt bags, all her clothing folded up in the sack, the bed roll and blanket rolled up and tied to the bottom or top of the back pack, the sack tied up on the end of her staff and it perched over her shoulder, the dagger stuffed down in side of one boot the march down the road must look vary long indeed. But a traveling she will go.

[Drop] the 1 rank off listen and that will fix the skill points sorry thought I had math right this time...

7th Dec, 2012 - 2:06am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 7

Medium encumbrance: movement 20ft (x4 if running), max dexterity bonus +3, armor check penalty -3 (is a modifier used in some skills. Example: Swim). Heavy encumbrance: movement 20ft (x3 if running), max dexterity bonus +1, armor check penalty -6 For the skills, I suggest dropping Use Magic Device. Ok on removing Listen, I didn't see you edited the post.

Reconcile Edited: Bruconero on 7th Dec, 2012 - 2:11am

> TOPIC: Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Questions & Character Approval


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