No when you were talking to the new guy, you said dropping an item was a move action. From what I've read, and this is on the [..], that dropping an item in your square is a free action. It doesn't specify weight or anything.
Dropping an item that you have in your hand is a free action. The backpack is considered a stored item. Just as drawing a sheated weapon is a free action but not retrieving a weapon from somewhere else. A round lasts 10 seconds and anything that requires more than 1 second is a standard action. Keeping this in mind, is not necessary to check the rules everytime.
Removing the pack from your back is the Move-Equivalent part of the action. Dropping it to the ground is a Free Action. Drawing a Weapon alone, without the Quick Draw Feat, is also considered a Move-Equivalent action, so if you draw a weapon, you can then attack or move, but not both, unless your Base Aatack Bonus (BAB) is at least +1. With a BAB +1 or greater, you may draw a weapon as a Free Action when combined with a Move Action.
Krusten, the reason I keep calling them as wolves is that is what I think of when I think, wild dog. As for the misspelling, It was a simple mistake that [spell] check didn't catch and I didn't see after posting until you pointed it out. Notice how I used the correct plural form at the end.
The spell check wouldn't correct it because "Wolfs" is a word but it does not mean the animal as you're thinking. Anyway I see wolves as larger, stronger and more intelligent than simple wild dogs but they did seem to be a little tough for just wild dogs.
Krusten, Bruconero said the wolf was just barely didn't kill it and the Peasant Leader missed with the club as it drug itself away, leaving behind a trail of blood. Hope this comes in time for you to still edit your response. (smile)
Edited: lukego on 14th Dec, 2012 - 6:52pm
You're right about the distinction between "Wolves" and "Wild dogs". The GM did specify that earlier and I should have taken heed to use the proper term. I do take offense to being accused of being on drugs, however. The personal attack for such a minor difference in terminology is a bit excessive, in my opinion.
My intent was to help reiterate and clarify the situation in a hurry while you still had the opportunity to edit your post on the other thread. I have noticed that I can only edit my posts if no one has replied to them and only within a few minutes of their posting.
Thank you for pointing out my typographic error. I had noticed it as well and was in the midst of correcting it at the time of your posting. Please give me a little leeway as I am attempting to participate as best I can while driving cross-country from California to Virginia. My only means of communication along the way is my phone which doesn't display this site very well, even using the "Mobile view".