Those instructions are not for the current situation. You told me you were in front and you are in front, with Jonathan on the back. That's what I'll be using when nobody gives me specific indications. But if you want a scouting position by default is not a problem at all: you decide where your character stays, not me. You want me to change the marching order?
I think what he was trying to say is that if no other instructions are given, he will use the settings as he posted them. When we are in an open area (that's the "In the open" part), Krusten will guard the back with the others loosely placed in the "Front" and "Middle". When we are in a dungeon and have to go single-file, he'll use the more specific order:
As I said in the previous post, the marching order in which you appear on the back is not the current marching order. Now, in the game, you were scouting in front walking by the woods and Jonathan was covering the back: I got those indications from you guys and applied them. The marching order I posted here is intended to be a standard strategy that I could use in the future and only if nobody gives me different instructions. I prepared it interpreting what you guys told me in several different posts so, as I already underlined at the end of that post, I could have made some mistake. So what I was asking is: in the hypothetical marching order that I never used yet, but that I could use someday if nobody gives me specific instructions, would you prefer to have a scouting position?
I understand where you're coming from. Leave it as you have it now thank you. As I said before I'm fine with it I just wanted to know how to role-play my character to suit my position in the group.