6 tricks is the maximum number of tricks your companion can know, bonus tricks are in addition to this number. You have to teach them like described for the Handle Animal skill. The first bonus trick is an exception: the companion already knows it but you have to choose it before starting the game and cannot be changed. No need to post a sheet, is a standard hawk. Only the trick and the name.
So, the six tricks I will have to train during game play, I am guessing. The hawks name is Den. Changes will be made.
By the way Bruconero, I put in my back story that the only clue Mina has was the symbol from the wagon. Can you tell me what the symbol is so my character can ask around if people know what it means, please? Most likely it is a symbol of The Empire since the family started off from there, or a symbol of the caravan itself. Your choice of what it is and where it's from.
To be honest I already thought about that and already put some "Windows" in the game. When I write an adventure, I usually draw a simple plot that becomes the main thread. This plot can become more or less complex depending on how much interest the players show in it and on how much they participate. I also put some "Windows": these are generic sub-plots, totally disconnected from the main quest, that can be activated anytime. Sometimes they are simple situation, worth some playing time but not interesting enough to become a whole adventure. Other times they draw their inspiration from the background of the players. But, before I open one of those "Windows", you have to prove yourself consistent. Example: The party is on a quest to discover your origins but you get bored and stop posting. Game over.
K, I answer here because I risk to be offtopic in the other Thread. You will get to level 2 at 1000 xp. You will get the following improvements: roll a d10 for additional hit points, +1 to your base attack bonus, +1 to your fortitude roll, new skill points (3+intelligence modifier), a fighter bonus feature. But I want to ensure you that your character is not bad at all. You just rolled crappy dice in the first encounter.
I was asking about the symbol because I wanted to ask about it to the Npc's and Pc's in the Tavern. She's been using the answers she's gotten from asking as a point of where to go, I.e North, South, East , West. I understand your thinking though, so I'll leave it up to you. I can always change my characters way, to "Just enjoying not being in the Desert, and learning new stuff for a bit" as she goes along.
Thank you for answering Bruconero but I don't think it was off topic since all my questions were related to being a fighter. Anyway someone also answered there with good points, I believe I see the advantages and it is the right choice for me.