Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Hub - Page 24 of 78

K, as a general rule, whatever you want do - Page 24 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 8th Jan, 2013 - 5:51am

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7th Jan, 2013 - 6:21am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Hub - Page 24

Yes, Lukego told me he would be busy in these days. That's not a problem at all. I just need to know it. I posted that message as a general reminder, it was not addressed to anybody in particular. By the way, I'm sick today too: got a bad cold! Looks like we are linked, Kit (laugh).

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Post Date: 7th Jan, 2013 - 9:37am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Hub
A Friend

Hub Players Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros

I'm happy that your game has picked back up, it was a pinch slow [when] the [second] [party] [were] separated. But, I like the rate at [which] the next part of the quest is been set up.

Rather off topic, but...
My game finally picked up speed after I had the 3 players to start with all in the jail, now I have 5 all in the dungeon, and 2 people that are impossibly reading over the setting soon.

I was followed your chat with JB on a world map, and I'm happy it went up, the group is a lot lower on the map away from last keep on your map, then the one in my head just from your words.

You inspired me to make the world map for my game so I cranked one out last night and this morning, and JB put it up too.

Sorry [about] the confusion with the coins, but that's Anntreen for [Yes]. She sees this coin lessen as being the best thing she can leave the kids with. Its a lesson of restraint, wisdom, patents, economics, trust, responsibility and many other quality's kids should learn at a young age that are seldom given the chance to.
She also knows if there's likely a payday coming who cares [about] 3 coins, when she is just as happy to live [poor] and give to others. If any one starts any crap with her [about it] he won't hesitate to make it clear it came form her cut and likely gilt them in to agreeing with some long out holy-er then tho speech. I am playing her vary Cristin like, I hope that offends no-one. I personally don't follow a set religious path, but I was brought up with one's value system as a kid, and can respect it, and use it in to my role play.

Rather off topic, but...
My food poisoning, is my own mistake, after skipping eating most the day just from time getting a way from me, I had ice cream on an empty stomach, I have problems with milk only normally in large amounts, so I thought nothing of it.
So from the outcome I learned ice cream on an empty stomach apparently is far worse to some one lactose sensitivity then I would of thought. I also learned about a new form of pain(stomach cramps), been trying to sleep [through] it to fast [forward] time. But, I keep dreaming [about] the 2 [Dungeons] and Dragons games here. Silly right? That's why I have been on and off forum all night.

Edited Message Edited...
Persephone: Before submitting your comments please use good grammar - check your spelling.

7th Jan, 2013 - 10:27am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Hub Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Yup, was slow and still it is. I had to wait for the boys first and then I slowed it down on purpose to avoid to leave behind those busy with Christmas and new year's eve. Moreover, your game was just starting and some players joined both so I thought it was logical to slow down and give them time to get into your game. I'm more or less 12 hours ahead of you guys so, starting from tomorrow, I'll speed up again. Normally, the last few days would be contained in a post or two. Changing subject, try drinking a hot camomille to calm the stomach cramps. It usually works for me.

7th Jan, 2013 - 10:34am / Post ID: #

Page 24 Hub Players Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros

Rather off topic, but...
Kitten, dear. Learning a lesson entails not repeating it, and to my recollection, you've learned this particular lesson a few times now.... Some of them while I was present.

In more game centered news, "Yay! Maps! I [kind of] feel like Dora....or I'm after Carmen Sandiego, "Let's go to the map!" I know these shows because I have nephews, laugh.gif.

7th Jan, 2013 - 3:44pm / Post ID: #

Hub Players Dragons and Dungeons Bruconeros

Sorry for not posting in game for a bit, Boss. I was actually waiting for you to post more about my situation, but I forgot that you were waiting for me to post more after you said that there wasn't much info I could gather at the site.

7th Jan, 2013 - 4:17pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Hub

Ok, I now have an account at work so that I can access the internet during the daytime on weekdays without the distraction of small children or The Boss ordering me around wink.gif

Weekends will still be a bit slower for me, though. I will have Ferrin caught up to the current timeline by the end of the day here (U.S. Eastern Time).

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
8th Jan, 2013 - 2:25am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Hub - Page 24

Can someone please explain to me what this means:

international QUOTE
climb 2 + 1 = 3
Handle animal 2 + 2 = 4
Intimidate 4 + 2 = 6
Jump 2 + 1 = 3
Ride 1 + 4 = 5
Swim 1 + 1 = 2

I know what the individual actions are but how does the 2 + 1 = 3 in climb as an example help my character. Also, let's say I want to climb, what would I roll and how do I know if I had success?

8th Jan, 2013 - 5:51am / Post ID: #

Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Hub D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 24

K, as a general rule, whatever you want do that needs a roll will require a d20 (except damage, which depends on the weapon you are using). About the skills: those two numbers refer to the number of ranks you bought for the skill + the modifier from the attribute that governs that particular skill (Strength, Dexterity...). The result of their sum, is the bonus you have to add to your dice roll when you make a check on that skill

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