That makes sense. You cast it as a full-round action (because requires 1 round) and then it will act just after you. I don't have my 2nd edition books anymore, the d4 rounds comes from there. Many spells had a variable duration (usually a d4 or a d6). They took that off, probably, because in 3.5e everything has to be done with a d20. Also initiative, it was a d10 and you would use the d100 for picking locks, hiding in shadows and moving silently, between the others.
A little ride Off Topic:
The problem is: the website has the 3.5e rules available to everybody and that's the most used edition by now (even more than the 4th which, they say, is a big step backwards). That's open source and everybody will be able to find the rules online. If not, I would have used the 2nd edition right away: I even remember the single tables one by one and I would need the books only to check some of the spells maybe. But the rules are totally different and all of you would have to learn a new combat system at well (To Hit and AC were different).
Back to topic: From now on, we use any summon spell the way you just described above, unless the spell description states otherwise.
Sorry this may seem redundant, but can you make a small post with only the certifying text about the new house rule and use of the spell in its full explanation.
As so that when I or others in your game look back to this post it is clear cut from the borders of your post the information regarding that ruling.
I will collect all the house rules and post a complete update with all the rules we changed over time. Everytime a new house rule will be decided, I will repost the whole list with the addiction of the last one so new players (let's hope we will never need them but who knows?) will only need to read the last update to know it all. I will do it later, when back home. No time now for something so complex.
Sounds great. I look forward to reading over them again to remind myself, as much as I am existed to get a chance to see the worked out details of the last update. Thank you for all the work and help you have put in to this you a good Dungeon Master, and I enjoy getting a way from my game for a post or 2 as a PC. (Giggles)
This post wants to be a reminder of all the house rules we introduced into the game so far. From now on, every time a new custom rule will be set, I will post this complete list again, adding the new rule at the bottom of it. In this way, everybody will have the chance to find everything in a single post and it will be enough checking the last update to have the whole picture.
-The game has a 2 days pace. If somebody will not be able to post for a certain period, should inform the Dungeon Master and the other players about it.
-After 2 days since the last update, I will move the game even if I don't have all the actions (moving the game means bringing the story forward, replies to questions or role-playing don't count).
-If a player, without saying anything before, doesn't post for more than 2 days (date of the last post counts), I will apply an in-game penalty.
-If a player doesn't post for one week, he is out of the game.
-Incurring in three penalties within a month brings to deletion.
-Every new character starts from level 1, is free to choose any standard equipment (items below a 50 gold value, except weapons such as the Longbow), can't have metal shields or armor superior to the Padded Armor and begins with 5 silver pieces and 5 copper pieces.
-Players roll for initiative, attack and damage. All the other rolls must be done only if clearly requested. If a player
Wants to perform an action other than the three mentioned above, he has to say it in-game and the Dungeon Master will decide if ask for a roll or roll by himself. Another choice is talking 10 or 20, when possible. I will never override that.
-The Game Thread is for In Character interaction. All the Out of Character posts such as questions about the game or about the rules should be posted in this thread (a rule, this one, that we all forgot lately. Including myself. Time to restore it).
-Using the Players Hub Thread, the players have to define a marching order for the open and one for indoor locations as well as the strategies when camping. If such istructions are not clear or incomplete, the Dungeon Master will decide them at his own will in case of sudden or random encounters.
-The group has to nominate a Party Leader that has to take decisions in uncertain situations or when some of the members are lagging. The Party leader should also act as an organizer and moderator. He has the final word in case of opposite opinions inside the party. The actual Party Leader is iCon\Tomas.
-Characters will not be allowed to take 20 when using Open Lock or Disable Device (the reason for this is different for the two skills but the result is the same: taking 20 is not an option)
-Each lock will have a chance of getting jammed, broken or to damage the tools at any failed attempt (the chance will increase at every new attempt and will be calculated as a percentage that will depend on how far is the roll from the desired result. Example: 5 points below the DC, 10%. 10 points below the DC, 20% and so on).
-No chance of picking a lock without the proper tools (unless the player can explain me EXACTLY how he intends to do it and how he will use the home-made or improvised tool. I expect a very detailed explanation of how the tool is made also, if the player made it by himself).
-I decided to change the rule about critical hits. A 20 will be always a critical while an extended critical (19, 18, 17 depending on the weapon used) will only be a "Threat" and will have to be confirmed by a second roll (as for the official rules).
-Summon spells will work in a different way from what is stated in the Open Source d20 description. Unless the spell description clearly states otherwise (but it has to be a detailed explanation), any summoned ally will appear where is designated by the caster and act immediately, on the caster's turn. It attacks the caster's opponents to the best of its ability. If the caster can communicate with the creature, he can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. The caster can't change this instructions in the first round in which the creature is summoned.
Kit, I don't get the purpose of your last in-game post. Why you rolled again for an attack? You already submitted your rolls for the round...
Waiting for Lukego and Carmana to post their actions.
No problem. Is that you already posted an attack roll yesterday for the 3rd round (attack=11 damage=1) and I was surprised to see new rolls.
I know the rest of the party is ready since long time but I must wait until the 2 days time limit expires before I move the game without a player.