You never filled it in. From the start of the game up to now I've never seen you change the character stats box, you've always had the same content in your box:
What could be so confusing about entering your character info in the box?
Look for the place where you posted the character you created the first time you'll get most of it there, then copy and paste it into the Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons Character field. There should be some kind of edit link for you to use.
By the way if you use the full version things will make better sense, that mobile view is very limited.
You may have pasted it in and missed the "Amend my profile" Button at the bottom of the page. Be sure to click that button or your changes will not be saved. Also, where you name is right now, just add your race, class, and level to that box. That's the other box that Bruconero mentioned before.
I used what I see as standard class abbreviations which allow you to later multi-class and do things like "Clr3 Sor4 Ftr3", which is a 10th-level character, but a Cleric Level 3, Sorcerer Level 4, Fighter Level 3. To me, the abbreviated method is clearer and more succinct.
Edited: lukego on 28th May, 2013 - 12:46pm