Ok my question then stands for you Bruconero, What would you change? I think that If what I understand is correct, then I would want to switch my strength dexterity and constitution scores. I would think I would want my strength to be my lowest score dexterity to be my mid and constitution to be my highest of the three? If we're talking ability scores. If we are talking about changing feats and or skills, I still have a very limited understanding of what a wizard / diviner would want in that area. I would appreciate it if you would tell me what you would have picked and why, so that I can gain an understanding of the character and game? Thank you Bruconero. It's really up to you what we do with MariJaen I would just like to know how to make the most well rounded character related to my class and understand why it makes it so. I just feel the better understanding I have the better I will be able to play and know my limits and strengths as a character.
I agree with Brunconero, I love being able to form tactics for battles. The unfortunate side to this is all the Players have to be in on it. One brash, battle ready player kills the ability for tactics for all.
I once played in a group with a member nicknamed "Thump". He would play a Fighter, Barbarian, or Rouge. He would never listen to the rest of the parties attempts at planning; he'd run up, kick in the door and either get hit by opponents or taken down by a trap, and he'd fall. Hence the name "Thump"
You can just switch your stats to get something like (I already adjusted the +2 Dexterity and -2 constitution)
Strength 13
Dexterity 17
Constitution 13
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 13
Charisma 10
For the skills, no suggestions: you could maybe change Ride with two ranks in Craft (But you have to specify which kind of items. Example: Alchemy), in some other sub-category of Knowledge or in Profession (Example: Fortune Teller). Or you can purchase more ranks in the other skills you have since the ones I suggested are mainly to add "Flavor".
For the Feature, you have many choices. I will suggest some but I recommend that you take a look at the full list so you can decide which one you would like the most. The one you chose is only to avoid using two pages more of your spellbook: features are rare and powerful, that one is a waste. I would bring to your attention Combat Casting, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Magical Aptitude, Skill Focus (Choose a skill you have and gain +3 on it), Spell Focus (Divination). There are many others specific for spellcasters but, as a diviner, I think these are the more useful. Your choice.
I'm sure that this mr "Thump" Would have played in a different way with the old rules or else become an expert in Statistics rolling and Character Creation.
Brunconero: Oh, no. This group that "Thump" Was part of played from the original Dungeons & Dragons, to 2, to 3, to 3.5. This guy just never learned, no matter how we begged. He even remained the same with other tabletop games, like Gurps, T.F.O.S., Star Wars, and Starship Troopers. In the end I think he started doing it on purpose.
Canabusis, what do you want to do with your character then? Which changes you want to apply? Feel also free to choose any of the items Anntreen gave you.
Affection you still in? After a week not posting your character will be deleted.
So, now what? Kit is out and we don't have the healer anymore. If nobody else will quit I will not re-open the Character Approval Thread. I only ask you please let me know if somebody else also plans to leave.