Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 138 of 225

In Game: Anntreens hands go up to her face - Page 138 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 2nd Apr, 2013 - 7:30pm

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2nd Apr, 2013 - 9:56am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 138

Out of Character: Uh oh. Did Anntreen almost make a paladin LIE? The dark side lies that way.

In Character:What Anntreen says makes Tomas cock his head to one side. A few seconds later his eyes go wide as he realizes what they're trying to do. He says nothing.

As Carnosus taps him on the shoulder, he jumps as though shocked. "One moment" he replies. He waits a few seconds, head bowed, then leads Carnosus ten paces away. He stutters as though thinking about something else "A-alright, go ahead, I'm listening."

He looks towards the two men as he turns an ear to Carnosus.

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Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2013 - 10:02am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG
A Friend

RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons

Out of Game:
No need to lie I picked her words well to relay the ruse with out you in need of saying anything. Silly paladin.

2nd Apr, 2013 - 10:35am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Out of Character: I will play as though Tomas is still uncomfortable with it. In fact, if Brucerono wants it I'll voluntarily take the sickened condition.

Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2013 - 12:21pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG
A Friend

Page 138 RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons

Carnosus looked at Tomas and sighed. "First off I want to apologize for my angry words towards you before, I have been in a bad way lately, lots of stress, so in short I am sorry about earlier. Second I wanted you to know, that I may end up getting violent around these men, the racism they showed towards elves has struck a nerve so to speak, most of my childhood friends were elves, so basically I wanted you to know so you can hold me back if I get mad, I don't like to admit it, but I need you to help me stay calm ok?" He whispered softly so incase anyone was indeed too close

Out of Character:: basically he is trying to make amends with Tomas and let him know he doesn't like following these guys. Sorry if I worded it to dramatically.

2nd Apr, 2013 - 4:34pm / Post ID: #

RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons

Jeaal hesitates for just a moment as they come to the edge of the ditch, then he plunges down after Anntreen, hoping their momentum will be enough to carry them up the far side.

2nd Apr, 2013 - 5:04pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG

Before starting her run up, Anntreen takes a look at the edge of the ditch. What she sees is not encouraging: looks like the crone's "Grandson" was not inventing anything about the deep ditch being dug by the villagers. The sides are steep and go down in an almost vertical way. Probably to compact the walls, the villagers or whoever made the channel compressed the dirt on both sides hitting it with the back of the spades. They succeeded in making it stronger and they made it more difficult to climb at the same time. She realizes that it would be less risky trying to leap over it rather than run down its sides.

The group follow the two ragged men, trying to get some information along the way. "Name is Albert. The boss I mean", says one of the strangers answering to Mina's question, "He is the one recruiting people in the Cess and he is the only one allowed to deal with the soldiers. But you will not meet him there: he is at the encampment". Before you can wonder about where is "There", you spot a group of people gathered around a small fire that is clearly the source of the column of smoke Jeaal saw from afar. There's six of them, all dressed in a similar way to the two men you are following. They look busy burning some wood that is scattered in a disordered bunch around the small fire. They look in your direction, probably wondering who you are and why you are walking side by side with two of them. When you get close enough to start a conversation without having to shout, one of them addresses Tomas in an apologetic tone: "We are almost done, Sir. The carts were wet after all that rain and it was not easy to start the fire". You see a couple of heavy stone hammers on the floor and a strange wooden object. A sort of small footbridge apparently built with part of the carts: two long poles serving as a guide for several wooden planks nailed in a transversal way between them. Ja'laron thinks that the two poles would probably match with the holes he saw in the terrain next to extinguished campfire.

Out of Character: KittenPunk: If you want, I roll for you. But the action you wanted to do is almost like trying to run out of the window of an apartment at the second floor and, walking down the wall, cross the street and get, still running up the wall, inside the window of another second floor apartment. If you are not an ant or a spider you risk to get seriously hurt.

ICon: Actually, Tomas didn't lie. He just avoided to ask Anntreen the reason of her strange behavior, which is acceptable considering that there were two strangers with the group. Is ok if Tomas asks himself if he acted in the proper way but the sickened condition is too much in my opinion. Moreover, your god, Felnuus, doesn't disdain tricks or subterfuges if they are necessary so the situation stretches the paladin's code a little bit but without having any repercussions on a religious level.

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2nd Apr, 2013 - 5:48pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Crone Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 138

Jeaal looks down into the ditch, then he looks at Anntreen. "Do you have a rope? I could lower you down, then jump across and haul you back up." He grins, "If one of us is going to get hurt, better it should be me."

Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2013 - 7:30pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Crone Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 138

In Game:
Anntreens hands go up to her face covering her mouth as she grins deeply, as if she just has a brilliant thought.

She digs some Rope, 50 feet worth, out of her bag. Then ties one end sprucely to her bed roll as a counter weight. Setting it down on the ground in front of Jeaal she prays for a moment then begins to cast a spell over her friend and the rope.

A spoken incantation and measured and precise movement of the hand are graceful as she casts Guidance to Aid him. Completing the spell as she touches him knowing the guidance will be needed on the next action of skill he takes.

Out of Game::
Guidance gives +1 to the next roll of a declared type, or for one minuet after casting.
(Type chosen skill check)

In Game:
"The goddess fevers your next action so move wisely handle the rope and shoot for the trees so we may both clime over, or take a running jump over the ditch. The guidance dose not promises success, only helps you in your attempt of skill. I have done what I can now its up to you." She smiles stepping back and leaving him and the rope to make the next move.

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG


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