Lowering her hand from her face she shakes her head no. Knowing full well if she was to try that her would end face down in the dirt. Still, she did not want him calling out to loudly per there position might be revealed. Anntreen backs up giving the appearance she is preparing to make the run and jump the entire time trying to think of another possible solution. Delay tactics where really a skill she picked up having to deal with 2 younger sisters at home. Never the less she had not thought of anything and she had walked far enough back to get a good running going before the leap.
Saying yet another prayer and wishing ever so much for aid she makes a run for it, jumping at the last moment. Muttering under her berth "I can do this!" as she runs for the ditch. As she jumps she closes her eyes fearful and ready to prevent herself from making a sound on landing no mater how hard.
Roll 4... Yep I am screwed +2 =6
Jeaal turns around to face Anntreen, grinning triumphantly. His expression changes to astonished worry as he sees her preparing to jump. He rushes to the edge, holding out his hand to try to help/ catch her.
Feeling brave after Jeaal's success, Anntreen prepares to take her run up and heads towards the ditch for the jump. As she reaches the edge for the leap, a portion of soft soil crumbles under her foot causing her to lose balance and fall down into the gap. Is a hard landing. The healer hits the terrain, hardened by the winter cold, suffering 5 points of damage + 2 points of non-lethal damage.
Out of Character: Krusten, you can't see them. You are with the group, while they walked away and tried to cross the ditch in a place where they would not be visible from your current position.
Crude map to help everybody have a better idea of the positions. Hope you understand that the layout is very simple. There's only a ditch, the woods beyond it and, all around, barren plains.
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG (Hover)
Carnosus sighed and nodded. He reached a hand into his pocket to touch his pendant to calm down, it was missing. He panicked and looked all over his person, not finding it he ran back the way they came, before going out of earshot he turned and called out to them, "Guys! I lost my pendant! I'm going back to find where I must have dropped it! I will be back ASAP! Don't you worry!" He turned and ran, panic coursing through him. "Darn it, if I don't find it I will never forgive myself!"
Out of Character:: he legit lost it, but, could there be more than one reason that even he doesn't want to admit to himself?
"Blast!" Jeaal curses as Anntreen falls into the ditch. He immediately drops down after her, quickly lowering himself with one hand then letting go. He runs to her side and tries to help however he can.
Out of Game: Jump : 15 + 3 =18
Heal/Bind Wound : 7 + ?