Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 143 of 225

Jeaal holds Anntreen up as high as he can, - Page 143 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 8th Apr, 2013 - 9:27pm

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6th Apr, 2013 - 8:47pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 143

Ferrin looks up from studying the papers he took from the cabin on their way out. He blinks in every direction, realizing that none of his friends are around. "Oh no's," he mumbles to himself. Since they left the cabin and the strange happenings there, Ferrin has been distracted with trying to understand the note that was left and the reason a dead Goddess would come back to haunt them. When the group stopped at the ditch, he sat down near the tree that Krusten climbed, face still focused on the parchment. He brought out his own parchment, pen, and ink in order to take notes on his thoughts and findings. After a while, when everyone else had moved on, he notices the lack of other people, hurriedly packs up and looks around for any sign of where his friends may have gone.

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7th Apr, 2013 - 12:23am / Post ID: #

RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons

In Character:: "I have to ask out of curiosity whose army are we helping? Doesn't matter as long as the coin comes in. You guys need some help with this so we can get it done faster?" Ja'laron moves over to help the guys.

7th Apr, 2013 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Ferrin looks around, suddenly realizing he was left alone by the tree. He searches the area for clues on where his companions might have gone but he doesn't come to nothing. He recollects hearing that somebody suggested to go east: was it one of his companions or the strange men they met? He regrets getting so absorbed by the strange sheet of paper with its arcane message. Moreover, he is now sure that the only chance he has to get something out of that writings is by using magic.

At The Fire
"Whose army, you ask?", comments one of the men hearing Ja'laron's question, "But the Imperial Army, of course! Who else? No armed man would ever dare to set foot in the Empire, man. Did you just come out of an egg or something?". The whole group laughs at his joke, forgetting for one moment that they are facing an armed band. After a few instants one of them says: "We are almost done here. Actually, the orders are to wait until all the wood is consumed and to throw the ashes in the ditch. For safety, they said. But that would take long time and there's no vegetation left on this said to cause a fire....".
While their friend is talking, two of the men start taking the small wooden footbridge and placing it near the area where Ja'laron first spotted the two strange holes in the ground.

7th Apr, 2013 - 3:12am / Post ID: #

Page 143 RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons

Out of Character: This might seem like Krusten is just being redundant, but she really is just observing until something significant happens.

In Character: Krusten looks and listens paying attention to all around her.

7th Apr, 2013 - 3:45am / Post ID: #

RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons

Tomas adds to Ja'laron's response "It would be wise to know what we would be helping with first. You've told us what your group is doing, but what is the army's mission here?"

His suspicions are rising and he also asks Ja'laron to add input to his plan. (Out of Character: on the previous page)

Reconcile Edited: iCon on 7th Apr, 2013 - 3:50am

8th Apr, 2013 - 5:34pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG

Curiosity piqued, Mina watches the men with the foot bridge as the others talk. As they put it down, she wonders the reason. She begins to slowly walk towards the men and the foot bridge.

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8th Apr, 2013 - 6:54pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Crone Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 143


Anntreen follows Jeaal's plan but is right away evident to both of them that the plan has a big flaw: even if Jeaal lifted the healer completely above his head, they would just cover little more than half of the height of the ditch. Anntreen hears a strange sound coming from her backpack. When she checks, she discovers to her dismay that all her empty vials, save 3, got broken during the fall (remove them from your inventory).


The men slowly place the long and narrow footbridge a few inches before the two small holes in the ground that tingled Ja'laron's curiosity the night before, keeping the bridge almost vertical. With slow and short movements, they start to make it slide to the back while lowering it towards the opposite side of the ditch. When the wooden bridge is at an angle of approximately 40 degrees with the terrain, they let it fall: the long object lands on the ground on the opposite edge of the deep channel while recoiling a little bit and thus getting stuck on this side in the two holes in the ground.

"We are ready to go", announces one of the men, "If you guys want to come along is ok for us. Just watch your steps, the bridge is not so stable as it may seem". As to confirm his words, you see the long catwalk heavily rock under the feet of the first traverser. "We have to go one at a time", explains the Sorian worker, "No hurry. Otherwise somebody will end up like Mike: didn't pay enough attention and broke his leg falling down in the ditch".

One by one, the men safely cross the gap. They stop on the other side, inviting you to follow them. When the last member of the party gets off the bridge, they slowly retrieve it: they turn it and they start bringing it in a position that is perpendicular to the ground. You slowly penetrate the thick woods, burdened by the cumbersome bridge. After more or less half an hour, you arrive in a small opening, big enough only for a few bedrolls and a small campfire. Three men are sitting on the fallen leaves. Resting his back against two huge barrels, a man is busy sharpening the edge of some long branches using a rusty knife. One of his legs has been bandaged and picketed with a wooden stick: you guess must be the man that fell from the bridge. Another one is cooking some mushrooms on a small campfire, probably preparing lunch for the group. But your attention is caught by the third man. You don't need to ask any questions. Is more than evident that he is Albert, the leader of this small group of workers.

Albert is sitting on the ground, probably bored by the routine of the day. Is clear that he is made of a different dough from the rest of the workers (Italian expression, hope makes sense in English also). He has a steady expression on his face, half hidden by a big tribal tattoo that covers his left cheek and goes up and back until his ear. Metal rings adorn his nostrils, ears and one of his eyebrows. He wears a worn leather jacket and keeps a long whip coiled on one side of his belt. A long knife hangs on the other side. As soon as he sees the party arriving at his camp, he jumps on his feet. "Boss, these men would like to apply for a job. They have weapons and....", the worker doesn't have the time to finish his explanation because Albert violently grabs him from the shirt and, the eyes red with blood, starts shouting with a hoarse voice: "Who the fact are these people? Who did you bring here, you pig-head? Why you scum never understand anything? Don't talk to anybody, I said! And you don't only make friendship with the first bunch of travelers you meet, like aged whores craving for a customer. You also bring them here!".
Furious, Albert hits the worker three or four times with the back of his hand. You can feel the smell of alcohol in his breath even from a distance. The rest of the group fall silent, like waiting for the storm to pass by.

8th Apr, 2013 - 9:27pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Crone Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 143

Jeaal holds Anntreen up as high as he can, "Can you jump up from there and catch the edge?" He asks her, eyes on the ground in front of him.

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG


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