In Character: Krusten jumps over to where Albert is with her most dexterous leap. She then pushes Albert away and with her most forceful intimidation she yells back,
"Who are you calling 'whores'?"
"Enough of this, it's ridiculous." Tomas runs up to Albert and attempts to send him unconscious, using Kursten's push to add force to his own swing.
Non-lethal punch: 5+2=7
Damage(1d3+1): 4
"Can't you see this drunkard is no commander!"
Initiative: 14 +2 =16
Out of Character: I'm hoping that the punch can count as a surprise action, before initiative. Then trying to convince the other men to help using diplomacy.
Edited: iCon on 9th Apr, 2013 - 3:30am
Out of Character: Oinodaemon: No way Anntreen can reach the edge that way, dude. Two elves, one on the other, will barely reach 11 feet and the ditch is 20 feet deep. Not even Magic Johnson would have been able to jump that high without a stable base under his feet (and actually, even with a stable base I have my doubts).
Krusten: "Aged whores" was actually referred to the workers but is the same.
I need 2 d20 plain rolls from all the players that are currently in the workers camp.
Feet back on the ground. Anntreen smiles shrugging her shoulders. "Perhaps if we walk the ditch we can find a easier way out somewhere ahead maybe a vine or rope or who knows. Look on the bright side while yes we are stuck, we are together."
East being where they had left the group there only option would be to head west in the ditch. But from what they could tell the ditch while running to the west slowly banked north. North was where the grove and smoke was, maybe the ditch would help get them to the smoke even if it was the long way a bout doing so.
"Do you mind if we walk along the ditch hoping to find a n easier way out? If you think of another way out we can always try it to as we walk."
Out of Character:: I was just trying to gather as much data as I could. To see who these people were working with and why. And then move from there.
In Character:: Ja'laron was following the group across the bridge and then looks up as Krusten goes ape. "It's okay everyone relax, he didn't mean it like that." Noticing that his words maybe lost in her rage. He puts his hands inside his cloak and grabs a handful of daggers and waits to see everyones actions.
Jeaal nods to Anntreen, "Sounds good to me. We'll find a way out of here in no time." Jeaal runs his hand on the smooth dirt wall as he walks. He wears a dreamy smile on his face.
"So. Tell me about yourself. " Jeaal speaks softly, looking at Anntreen.