Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 164 of 225

Tomas is wary of the whole situation now, and - Page 164 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 5th May, 2013 - 11:35am

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4th May, 2013 - 5:51am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 164

"Much appreciated," Tomas replies to Berghost. He waits patiently until invited to the Captain, going through possible coversations in his head.

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4th May, 2013 - 7:36am / Post ID: #

RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons

Ferrin keeps his eyes and ears keen for any sense of trouble. The animated conversations that Alaric experienced are worrisome in that he cannot be sure of what they were about, exactly.

Out of Character: Just wanted to note that while Alaric is within arm's reach, Ferrin gains the benefit of the Alertness Feat (+2 to Listen and Spot). That is in addition to what is noted in my character information.

Post Date: 4th May, 2013 - 8:48am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Anntreen watches from her position while staying hidden. Ready to act if needed and worried about that bridge she saw a moment a go. And, the fact the group is crossing it, and getting farther a way with every step, is most troubling.

4th May, 2013 - 3:36pm / Post ID: #

Page 164 RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons

Jeaal finds a nice hiding spot beneath one of the thicker trees. He maintains his alert posture, watching and waiting cautiously.

4th May, 2013 - 4:55pm / Post ID: #

RPG Medallion Missing and Marquis Crone Dragons and Dungeons


You are left alone only for a short time. After just a couple of minutes Berghost comes back. "The Captain is ready to receive you", he says. He guides you to the military tent bearing the emblem of the Empire. You can't help but notice that a heavy battleaxe is now hanging from his left shoulder. On your way, you have the chance to take a look at the improvised tent that is completely open on one of its sides, the one next to your group. Inside, several bedrolls are tadily lined up on the floor, each of them having a leather backpack next to it. A row of central poles ensures that the covering will stay up without falling inside. A few feet from the entrance, you see the rests of a campfire. Krusten tries to peek beyond the two big tents to figure out the general layout of the camp. Whatever is behind stays hidden from her sight but she can make out the other side of the trench and the woods behind it. Krusten judges that the area behind the two tents should be approximately as big as the one in front of them.

Berghost moves a heavy curtain that serves as door and you access Captain Tomlin's accomodation. The inside of the military tent has been divided into three rooms using heavy drapes that hang from the roof. The entrance, where you just stepped, seems the largest of the three parts. Is completely empty, apart from a crude table with a couple of benches next to it: a couple of mugs and a dish are still on it, all empty. In front of you and on your right, other two curtains give access to different areas.
Berghost heads to the one in front and, after peeking inside, he opens it revealing what looks like an adapted bedroom. Several large cushions are on the floor, a practical alternative to the traditional, more cumbersome, chairs. Between them is an arranged bed, made putting several layers of freshly carded wool on a wooden base.

Sitting on the wool, with his back against the back side of the tent, Captain Tomlin is looking at you. He looks like a middle-aged war veteran, with dark skin, hardened by the sun, and the first traces of grey in his hairs. He wears a leather armor, that looks in excellent conditions, and is armed with a longsword and a dagger. A large wooden shield rests next to his left arm.
As you make your entrance, Tomlin welcomes your group with an open smile. "Please, have a sit", he invites you showing the cushions scattered on the floor, "I'm anxious to hear the reason of your visit. I hope is not only about that incident with Laurel's friend lost badge. I'm afraid we don't have much to offer to our guests here, but I can provide you some water if you want to refresh your throat".

While he talks, two men wearing a padded armor and armed with shortswords place themselves on your back, cutting your way out. You observe that everybody, including Berghost, bear a small symbol of a goblin skull on their right arm. Ja'laron notices what you are looking at. "They were in the Neck", he whispers. Then, like spitting the last word: "Deserters".


The group of the pointed ears keep hiding next to the edge of the commoners' camp, trying to understand what is going on. You see your companions enter the big, colored, tent beyond the trench and disappear inside. Your senses are alert. Jeaal catches a movement on one of the two tall trees that flank the trenched area. The ranger focus his attention on that spot and, after a few minutes, he is sure that somebody is positioned between their branches. "Guards", he whispers showing their position to his companions.

Post Date: 4th May, 2013 - 6:28pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG

Carnosus looks at the captain and smiles. "If it is all the same to you I would prefer to stand, I can't say I like the idea of sitting down for to long, I tend to get restless and fidget" he chuckled and scratched the back of his head. He looked around a bit and hums a soft tune to himself

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4th May, 2013 - 10:18pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Crone Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG - Page 164

Krusten has always been wary of strangers and this is no exception. She places herself in such a way to see both the men to her back and the captain. She keeps her spear tucked as though she is holding it safely but really she is going to do a point blank shot at the first aggressive move if necessary.

This time she let's the others do the talking so she can concentrate on the guards to her side.

5th May, 2013 - 11:35am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Crone Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 164

Tomas is wary of the whole situation now, and whispers back "Are you positive? Could they have simply finished their duty?" As he does so he moves over to take as seat. He has a feel of the wool used, the quality of its texture and the work done on it and its color. He puts his shield down so it leans on his legs.
"We have found a potential source of powerful magic nearby, it is quite lucky we stumbled upon that badge," he says to Tomlin. He waits, gauging Tomlin's curiosity.

Out of Character:: So simply, feeling the cushion he's sitting on. Then double checking the name Captain Tomlin in his head using Knowledge(nobility), or never mind I didn't even take ranks in it, darn. Then Sense motive to get a read on the captain(with a +2 from the Negotiator feat, total +6).

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 A Crone, A Marquis & Missing Medallion RPG


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