Mina remains standing along with Carnosus wary of the meeting. She will play at paying attention to Den on her shoulder, but she will be taking a discerning look around the tent for anything.
(Out of Character:She'll be using spot and listen)
Carnosus stifles a yawn and shakes himself a bit, he stand on his toes for a moment and his ankles pop a bit, he goes flat footed again and cracks his knuckles out of habit. He leans over to Mina and whispers "How do you think this is going to go? Personally, I'm nervous about all this."
Jeaal whispers to his companions, "There are guards in the tree. Stay here and keep hidden, I'm going to try to sneak up on them and see what I can learn."
Jeaal creeps over to the tree where he saw the guard, and gets his bearings before attempting anything more drastic.
Tomas sits on one of the cushions: they are maybe not worth the halls of a king but are more than adequate for a military encampment. Some rough pieces of cloth, probably old shirts, sewed together and stuffed with raw wool. Captain Tomlin changes position slightly, straightening his back. "Most interesting", he comments raising an eyebrow, "Magic, you say. And powerful. Where is this source located and...how does it interfere with our plans?.
The others watch, waiting to see what the paladin has in mind. Apparently, nothing seems out of the ordinary.
Jeaal borders the clearing, hidden by the thick vegetation, until he flanks one of the two tall trees: the one on the left of the military tent. From his new position, he observes the camp. Nobody seems to be around. To sneak on the guard hidden on the tree, though, he needs to solve first a major problem: crossing the trench.
Anntreen and Ferrin keep their positions. The commoners are now getting back to their normal activities. Somebody takes care of the two wounded workers while the other two, those caught in the woods after fleeing away, are kept in custody. A man starts to gather some wood by the fireplace, probably thinking about cooking something for his companions.
Krusten keeps watch and listens to what the rest coming up with in conversation. If she feels dissatisfied she will speak out as she usually does. However, she does place her brass find where the captain can see it to see what he comments.
Mina leans slightly into with Casrnosus to better whisper back, "I do not know. I understand this is supposedly a military camp, so I understand the guards some, but I will not sit somewhere I do not trust the people we meet."
Mina pauses for a moment then adds, "Perhaps, it's from my upbringing in the Yellow Sea."
Carnosus nodded. "I know what you mean, when I was little I used to help my dad with his work as a blacksmith. So I never really got the chance to sit and relax, not that I mind, I stayed in shape living like that, and that holds true now you know?"
"Sir, there is an abandoned hut less than a day from here on foot," Tomas answers. "A cave opened beneath, but we were unprepared and should inform someone before exploring. It is completely perchance that we happened upon your able force. Some assistance would be appreciated if it could be offered. As for how it inteferes with plans, none have answered us what the mission in this area is."
He looks at the other party members to see if they approve.